How wrong can one weekend go?

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How wrong can one weekend go?


Established member
Apr 10, 2005
Been away to see a very good friend (Neil) in Ewloe ( near Chester) wicked weekend till i came to leave.... :(

Being a silly female I left my stereo on when i got there and didn’t find it for a longgg time so when i came to start my car today.... Was so dead! :mad:

So got up and ready to go.... Had snowed so much... and was still snowing.... so stood out in the freezing cold trying to jump the car... and nothing! :mad: (n)

I hadn’t renewed my breakdown cover ( oppies) but Neil had cover so he called and out they came... in two mins it was started and all was well.... or so i thought.

Got ready said my good byes and headed off in the snow (which I hated) only to find... the only route i know closed off due to the snow :mad: :bang:

The diversions sent me god only knows where... up hill and down dale on the tiniest roads I’ve ever seen.... Then what.... A bloody pheasant runs straight out and stands in the middle of the road in front of me.... Cars coming towards me and a vectra way to close up my ass... so unfortunately the pheasant lost its life (not sure if I should of tried to stop or move, but didn’t fancy a car in my back end :( sorry Mr pheasant)

I thought there my bad luck would end.. But no.... half way home... I go to itch my neck.... OMG I left my fav ear rings there!!! :mad: gutted I tell ya!!

So how was everyone else’s weekend???

Needless to say my breakdown cover is now sorted!
Derbychick said:
Been away to see a very good friend (Neil) in Ewloe ( near Chester) wicked weekend till i came to leave.... :(

Being a silly female I left my stereo on when i got there and didn’t find it for a longgg time so when i came to start my car today.... Was so dead! :mad:

So got up and ready to go.... Had snowed so much... and was still snowing.... so stood out in the freezing cold trying to jump the car... and nothing! :mad: (n)

I hadn’t renewed my breakdown cover ( oppies) but Neil had cover so he called and out they came... in two mins it was started and all was well.... or so i thought.

Got ready said my good byes and headed off in the snow (which I hated) only to find... the only route i know closed off due to the snow :mad: :bang:

The diversions sent me god only knows where... up hill and down dale on the tiniest roads I’ve ever seen.... Then what.... A bloody pheasant runs straight out and stands in the middle of the road in front of me.... Cars coming towards me and a vectra way to close up my ass... so unfortunately the pheasant lost its life (not sure if I should of tried to stop or move, but didn’t fancy a car in my back end :( sorry Mr pheasant)

I thought there my bad luck would end.. But no.... half way home... I go to itch my neck.... OMG I left my fav ear rings there!!! :mad: gutted I tell ya!!

So how was everyone else’s weekend???

Needless to say my breakdown cover is now sorted!

well at least one good thing came out of it hun, breakdown sorted:)

i had a fab weekend of sorts, got some new clothes yesterday spoke to my unc about oz, and met up for a drink with my mate charlie today at work but saw some very nice sights;) lifeguards so suit blue n yellow and now at home chilling with the family and thinking what to have for tea:yum:

sorry to hear of ur probs coming back but at least u had a good weekend and i hope you chilled:cool:
Got back safe .. just lol But yeah was funky

and no im not blonde again.... so i have no excuses :(
I did.... what else can i do if it aint gonna move.... and id rather not have someone hit me
Derbychick said:
I did.... what else can i do if it aint gonna move.... and id rather not have someone hit me

Why didnt you stop and pick it up and cook it at a later date??

Love pheasant :yum:
cos im not a fan :yuck: plus knowing my luck my car would of died and i wouldnt get it started again lol
I've also ran over a pheasant, well more of plucked it our of the air with a Tipo, was convinced it was going to come through the screen. Was a ruddy great big thing too. I've heard if you run one over and go back to collect it you can be done for poaching - if you collect one that has been ran over by someone else that's ok though.
Hellcat said:
I've also ran over a pheasant, well more of plucked it our of the air with a Tipo, was convinced it was going to come through the screen. Was a ruddy great big thing too. I've heard if you run one over and go back to collect it you can be done for poaching - if you collect one that has been ran over by someone else that's ok though.

Location please :yum: road kill :D
reminds me need to renew my RAC :eek:

my weekend yesterday spent taking every hose out of the engine bay measuring then replacing, and emailing places for prices :p then a works night out got home bout 4am, then today up at 12 and lazy recovering day :p
Nowt wrong with a bit of Snow.......maybe time to get a second car & join the panda section :D


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