i already had a thread here but nobody answered to me...i dont want to think of you like bad guys...so i would be very gratefull if you can help me...i own 1.6 16v brava 98...when i bought it i could feel some hesitation in 1st and maybe 2nd gear..but this was lasting only for 15-20 seconds...then it runs great...then the ignition coil went dead and i have to replace it...after that the heistation is getting so obvious...it hesitate in lower gears and revs...in higher gears there is no problem...when it gets hotter it seems like better but not great...the sparks are new, spark plugs are ok, ive changed the fuel filter..then i red in this forum about the idle control valve and i thought that this might be the thing...i took it out and clean it very well...it was good for about 50 km....but again nothing..i dont have often problems with revs..they are solid...and it only died at me when i stoped at street light when the car is hot...but that only happened once or twice...could this be the air temeperature sensor...but i dont think that this have anything with car hesitation...i also changed the air filter...i am thinking to buy a new idle valve control...but am i mistaking...could this be the problem with lambda sensor too...but there is no warning light on dashboard...please help me, i am getting desperate and this thing is anoying me:bang: ...i love fiat and before this brava i had 89 tipo 1.6 cat i.e. dgt..let this not make fiat a lower in my eyes.
..i would be gratefull on any kind of help..THANK YOU!!!! :worship: