Have you ever been in a plane crash?

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Have you ever been in a plane crash?

Nov 3, 2007
As per title really. Just wandering if any of you lot have been in a plane crash, or even come close. What went through your head? The most i've been through is light turbulence, but i've only flown 3 times.
came really close in venezuela about 13 years ago, flying into angel falls on a tiny light airplane, as were lining up on final approach into canaima, i notice another small plane under us to the left also coming in to land, the pilot sees it, and guns the engine to try and beat him down to the landing strip, i'm getting a touch nervous as we are a bit far off, as we close in, even i can see there's no way we can make it, but the pilot is still going for it, untill literally with seconds to the strip and landing on top the second plane, he pulls up and hard over to the left, i'm now looking straight down to my left, too terrified to even scream as the wing tips are just above the trees, which disappear....thank god.....phew....then i look ahead, and do scream as we are heading for a series of low wide waterfalls..................the pilot, cool as you like, snaps the plane horizontal, pulls up just about 20 feet above the lip of the falls, pulls up and round and executes the softests of landing back on the strip, we trundle into the shacks, where when we stop, i remember to breathe.......stutter a thanks to the pilot, who reminds me he will be back in 3 days to fly me out, and past the main angel falls itself. oh goody....
Yes, and it was nearly a really serious one. It almost took out the Bring and Buy and White Elephant stalls at the school fair.


(btw, I've flown loads and loads of times and other than a bit of turbulence the trips have been uneventful ;))


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Fortunately not, but:

On one trip to Turin we were coming in to land through cloud. Just as we broke through the cloud I saw grass to the side and the pilot pulled back on the stick and opened the throttle. When we were safely up again, he said something about seeing a field and being short of the runway, as if we had all been able to see what he saw. :eek:
He then informed us that the landing equipment at Turin airport had a fault, so we would circle for 15 minutes to give them time to fix it, and then fly on to Milan if they couldn't. We were just thinking "Don't bother waiting, fly to Milan now" but they did fix the equipment and we landed safely. But not before a few thoughts about how it must have felt on 9/11.

Gee, thanks for reminding me about that one, when I'm flying to Milan tomorrow then driving across to Turin for a meeting in Fiat on Tuesday. :( (But the drive from Malpensa to central Turin worries me more than the flight).

Another time, we were halfway from Amsterdam to Bristol when the plane banked and turned around. The pilot announced that one of the computer systems had failed, but not to worry as it had a back-up, and we returned to Amsterdam to get it fixed. It was closer to fly on to Bristol, but he flew back to KLM HQ at Amsterdam because Bristol would not have allowed him to take off again until it was fixed and he couldn't be sure that they could fix it there, so we had to wait until it was repaired before setting off again.

One of our customers, flying in from Luxembourg, was shouted at by the cabin crew for pressing the assistance button during take-off, until he drew their attention to the smoke coming from one of the engines.
When coming back into Bristol Airport (Christmas 2006) we landed almost perfectly, except the runway was covered in ice, and the strong winds blew the plane right off the runway onto the grass :eek: I almost shat a brick :eek:

The worst part though was the two hour wait to get our damn luggage, gawd :p

Don't worry though, flying is statistically the safest form of transport (y)
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My last landing, coming in on an Air India flight to Birmingham from Toronto was well rough - weather was bad, and as we were about to land I swear we were nearly sideways; as it touched down it bounced back up again, then landed once more before straightening up - haha.

Love it :D
had some where we hit air pockets and the plane plummets out the sky for a second,

**** funny when peoples food ends up on their heads :p

i've been in a few crosswind landings too, sideways action in a plane :cool: oh yeah :p
....Don't worry though, flying is statistically the safest form of transport (y)

I read recently that air safety stats are not quite all they seem....

Basically it was saying that most air-crashes usually happen during take-off or landing, yet these are only a small part of the journey. The stats, however are based on the entire journey, the majority of which involves very little risk or danger. Therefore if you were to work it out based on these higher risk sections of the flight (ie ignore the many 'safe' hours in between) then flying would actually become a lot riskier than many other forms of transport.

I don't know how true it is, but it does kinda make sense....

Anyway, the scariest time I've had on a plane, was coming into Florence airport. Because of the surrounding hills, the approach basically involves staying high and then performing a tight spiral descent into the airport. Well it was a brand-new Avro RJ (a fairly small plane) and we were sat right by where the engines hang under the wing. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of flying full stop so the descent was testing me to say the least, but the woman behind starts screaming 'We're on fire, we're on fire!' pointing at the vents above us. The stewardess comes along and explains that it's fine (it was just the air-con vapour) but this woman wouldn't have any of it....'We're all gonna die' she's shouting....

Anyway eventually the pilot touched down without a hitch, but that woman made a scary descent bloody terrifying! :cry:
driving is far more dangerous than flying.

I've been in a Tornado F3 with an emergency state two "sweep wing actuator failure" which meant the wings where stuck in the swept position :eek:. Meant we had to land a lot faster than normal :eek:. I needed a new pair of kegs when I got out :eek:.

25 squadron at raf leeming always do that to noobs to scare them. you're supposed to sit back and enjoy it, then they think you're a real man.
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We had a very dramatic flame trail on the Boeing 737 we were heading out of Bristol on for a week away.... 20 - 30 feet long and constant! :eek:

Plane turned around but had to go to B'ham, saw the blue flashing Crash Team lights on the ground below... quite un-nerving. Touched down ok. After a few hours we had to climb back on the same plane which took off and flew very nicely all the way! (y)