In fact I must say mine - 2012 Eco Dymanic 1.2 - starts fine both ways. I just prefer to let the pump prime the system first. Mrs J always does it this way as our previous car was the Cordoba TDI which, of course, being a diesel, and an early one at that, had a glow plug light which you had to let extinguish before operating the starter motor. She got so used to doing this that when she saw the Panda had a light which went out shortly after turning the key, she thought it was the same idea so always waited till the light went out. I didn't even realise she was doing this until we'd had the car for more than a year!
Interestingly, or not? our car has the exposed braided earth lead - which reminds me it's looking pretty green (but didn't fall apart last time I wiggled it) so I think it'll be getting renewed this summer.