Technical Fiat stilo air con pipe??

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Technical Fiat stilo air con pipe??


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Hey guys the air con pipe is broken on my stilo does anyone know how much the new one costs including labour???

When should i change timing belt on a fiat stilo 1.6 dynamic o2 reg so far Ive done 53k with it.
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Simplest way to get a costing is from a garage doing the job..garages vary with labour costs so speculation is not viable in this belt ? well at 53K its past its sell by date..:)
My air con pipe broke a few months ago too. Just when the sun came out... Did yours break just below the low tap in point?
My air con pipe broke a few months ago too. Just when the sun came out... Did yours break just below the low tap in point?

Yes it did so Im guessing that I need a new one and aircon needs to be refilled with gas. Can you tell me how much did you pay to change yours??
if its the same one that broke on mine (common one) a couple of weeks ago (pump to condenser) then it is £47 inc vat.
There is a modifcation on the pipe, its slightly longer than the old one (more rubber hose), the new pipe goes inside the rad pipe insted to the side which my old one did.
Yes it did so Im guessing that I need a new one and aircon needs to be refilled with gas. Can you tell me how much did you pay to change yours??

Mines yet to be changed. I would like air con but money is a little bit tight right now and i want to sort out other things first. I was even thinking of a bodge job where i was gonna get a section of flexible tubing and use jubilee clips to hold the tube in place.

Roy, i don't know if its the same pipe but where its broken, it looks like the whole part of the low tap in point needs to be replaced too as thats where the pipe is broken.
if its the same one that broke on mine (common one) a couple of weeks ago (pump to condenser) then it is £47 inc vat.
There is a modifcation on the pipe, its slightly longer than the old one (more rubber hose), the new pipe goes inside the rad pipe insted to the side which my old one did.

I got a eLearn disc and i've found a diagram of the part:


The pipe is cracked and broken exactly where the red bit is. The eLearn states the part number as 5040A58 but i don't know if thats correct. On ePER, it just looks a mess and its so hard to identify the part. Is this the same pipe that broke on yours Roy, and if so could i have the part number please? Thanks.
thats a strange one to break, the ones that usually break are the ones on the condenser. mine is right at the front drivers side to the side of the radiator.
i dont know how much that one will be though mate, your best shot would be to call your local dealers and find out - or if you know a good aircon specialist they can sometimes make new pipes - i suspect that one is not gona be repairable as it has the filling point on as well.
it looks in your pic that something has hit that pipe? any ideas
sorry mate
After having it regassed 3 times now, one for each summer, the garage has finally found the fault. The gas are in the system for 2-4 months, then nothing... so it was a small leak.

It was UV refilled and returned after 2 weeks of driving with aircon constantly on. Guess where the leak was? On the longest pipe, going from the refill cap, around the engine front and to the compressor area. Just behind the radiator, there were two tiny holes in the metal pipe - nothing has hit it, and there are no joints there.

Not a very pleasant thing to fix I guess.
thats a strange one to break, the ones that usually break are the ones on the condenser. mine is right at the front drivers side to the side of the radiator.
i dont know how much that one will be though mate, your best shot would be to call your local dealers and find out - or if you know a good aircon specialist they can sometimes make new pipes - i suspect that one is not gona be repairable as it has the filling point on as well.
it looks in your pic that something has hit that pipe? any ideas
sorry mate

Looking at it again, I think something indeed may of hit it. Its got a weird bend in the metal part. At first i thought it was supposed to be like that but now that you say that, the part where its bent doesn't look right. I have no idea what could of hit it though. Is the pipe on your one straight?
I got a eLearn disc and i've found a diagram of the part:


The pipe is cracked and broken exactly where the red bit is. The eLearn states the part number as 5040A58 but i don't know if thats correct. On ePER, it just looks a mess and its so hard to identify the part. Is this the same pipe that broke on yours Roy, and if so could i have the part number please? Thanks.

I have a mk1 Punto and the air con doesnt work. I noticed today the pipe has broken in the same spot as your Stilo....
It may be cheaper to take the pipe off and have
it repaired by someone like Pirtek.

If the systems got a break like that seal it off
as soon as you realise you have a leak, if not
when it's put right to regas you will probably
need to replace the reciever dryer.

It may be cheaper to take the pipe off and have
it repaired by someone like Pirtek.

If the systems got a break like that seal it off
as soon as you realise you have a leak, if not
when it's put right to regas you will probably
need to replace the reciever dryer.


Its been left as it is for a good few months now. I might of got it sorted sooner but had a few money issues and the summer is more or less over now. Would it still be better to get it sorted asap or should i leave it till next summer...
Depends on how much money you have to spare

If you don't sort it now block off and tape the open
pipes to stop any more moisture in the air entering the
system as this can corrode the inside of the pipes,
condensor and evaporator.

The receiver drier has silicone crystals in it which also
collect moisture and then clog the system. Factor into the
repair cost you may need to replace the receiver dryer as well.

Non Fiat item receiver dryer is about £40 if you have enough
money though it may be worth changing the condensor (radiator)
at the same time if it's 5 years old or more. Around £110 but
it should come with a new receiver dryer attached to it.

The system will need vacuum applied for up to an hour to
burn off any remaining mosture in the system prior to refilling
with gas. Very important if your sorting it yourself as air
and R134a don't like being compressed together they may

My own aircon has stopped working, it has a small leak but is still
under a few pounds of pressure so if it remains like that then
my receiver dryer should be ok when the leaks sorted.

I've finally decided to sort this out. Went to a an air con service centre but they told me i needed to get new pipe as they couldn't repair mine. Was also told i may need a new receiver dryer and that it was the size of a small box. So i got to fiat and ordered the pipe and dryer, the dryer was a small little thing, just a small tube with some filterey bits in it if thats correct? Was told it goes inside the condenser? The pipe was wrongly ordered though as the parts guy couldn't identify the right pipe even after looking at my car.

I've had a look on eper myself and i can't identify the pipe either! There's none on there that looks like it has the low tap in point on the end of the pipes...
the dryer was a small little thing, just a small tube with some filterey bits in it if thats correct?

Was told it goes inside the condenser?
condensor and filter drier.JPG

The pipe was wrongly ordered though as the parts guy couldn't identify the right pipe even after looking at my car. I've had a look on eper myself and i can't identify the pipe either! There's none on there that looks like it has the low tap in point on the end of the pipes...
Difficult to say because available eper's are generally older versions but knowing what engine size and year you have helps