Compressed Air in a Can

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Compressed Air in a Can

Mar 29, 2005
NW London
Where can I buy Compressed air in a can?

I need to Air clean some things but its not worth purchasing a compressor. I've seen it before, my ex had a can which she took from where she used to work, dunno what they used it for but my place don't have it.

Anyone know where I can get some?

Also where would I get a "Lint Free" Cloth?

Thanks :)
PC World Aye? have one near me I'll check tomorrow.. No Maplins near me at all, nearest one I think is a good 3 miles or so (n)

Well the 'Lint Free' cloth will get dirty so erm.. I'd rather it in a small square then in shirt form :p then again I'll check my old shirt store and see what its got for me :)
dave said:
how soon you need it? i got a set here un used got tin of compu clean 50 lint free cloths and 15 urethane swabs

you goin to ACE? I could pick it up off you tonight if you are :p

but sooner the better, I'm gonna take apart my Carburettor and see if I can Tune it myself following the Haynes Manual as no garage can get my Mojo back.
Well listen up here Tranc ? now this is only a suggestion put forward by Honesty 57 :idea: she has always said that Ime the biggest container of compressed air she has ever seen :yuck: all you have to do is feed me the occasionally curry :yum: and she says your quite wellcome to borrow me :eek:
PNL said:
Well listen up here Tranc ? now this is only a suggestion put forward by Honesty 57 :idea: she has always said that Ime the biggest container of compressed air she has ever seen :yuck: all you have to do is feed me the occasionally curry :yum: and she says your quite wellcome to borrow me :eek:
yes but you may contaminate my Fuel Supply, the Hayens said even the slightest Debris could make the car Run Erratically... and not in a Fun ASBO kind of way (n)
Trancendental said:
yes but you may contaminate my Fuel Supply, the Hayens said even the slightest Debris could make the car Run Erratically... and not in a Fun ASBO kind of way (n)
Ah but its cheaper to run on gas and She is offering my services FREE :D just for the odd curry