Borris's £2000 diesel Scrappage scheme

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Borris's £2000 diesel Scrappage scheme

Sep 13, 2004
In a galaxy far far away
So it seems that despite being told years ago that the Diesel engine was the way forward were now being told that there bad news :eek: so much so that Mr Johnson is planning a "diesel scrappage" scheme..... Take a look below for details

I've been around diesels for a while. Back in the late 90's as a mechanic I saw there evolution from stinky gutless oil burners like the ford 1.8's and the izuzu sourced lumps that vauxhall used in the mk2 cavillers to the almost silent and seriously quick units used in today's cars. There transformation in the last 25 years is amazing - I never ever thought I'ld see one in Motorsport. And obviously there efficiency and economy has been well documented and I've always found them a lot easier to work on. So I'm quite surprised that were now being told that all the great reports and encouragements of the purchase of diesel cars all those years ago may actually have been wrong. Borris seems to think so and he wants to offer anyone with a diesel car £2000 towards your new "greener" car. I also hear he wants to jack the price of the congestion charge on all diesel cars too.

Could diesels be an extinct species on our roads soon?? Has anyone ever felt that they were duped into buying a diesel?
I've only ever owned one diesel car and that was a rover 200, also being a lorry driver i've been around diesel for many years and i must admit i've always had a 'raised eybrow' expression when i've read or heard someone saying that diesel engines are lovely and clean and good for the planet... the fuel itself is nasty cancer causing stuff and with new smaller and very efficient petrol engines coming on stream, the argument about diesel economy is a lost cause.
I don't think they've ever said they're better for anyone or the environment, just better on fuel economy on long runs, that is all.

Anyone who's ever thought they're healthier is just an idiot, just like those who go out and buy them to use in city centers etc and expect to be able to do short 3 mile journeys in them.
Obviously they have been talking about this on the news a lot today and the general jist is that diesels pollute less than petrol cars however the emissions are more harmful to people (carcinogenic), hence the issues in london where everyone is now trundling about in small diesel engined cars.

So the argument of whats more important the environment or people ??
I always say that there's a lot of other things in a city that can cause harm. Take London for instance how much harmful emmisons does a tube train emit?? Or a sub station? And what about the buses and coaches? What do they spew out?

So long as the human race uses fossil fuels and produces electricity we'll always be at risk from toxic nasties. Seems abit unfair to take it out the the diesel owner though :(
Take London for instance how much harmful emmisons does a tube train emit??

Beyond all the stinky people on them :p

They're pretty good as they use regenerative braking so a stopping train can pass its energy off to another one on the network without the need to faff about charging batteries.

The thing with electric vehicles is that emissions are someone else's problem, and when you do all the burning centrally in a big power station it's easier to clean up the mess.
There's something else going on here that we haven't found about yet, as has been said in the big scheme of things there are much worse things than diesel cars...:confused:
There's something else going on here that we haven't found about yet, as has been said in the big scheme of things there are much worse things than diesel cars...:confused: my arse after eating sprouts!!
Diesels emit lots of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen both of which are very harmful, these are gases not particles so they don't get caught in DPF filters and are not catalysed by catalytic convertors, once in the atmosphere they break down into other even more harmful compounds
Does this mean everyone who has helped the environment by not buying a sludge burner in the past ten years but been penalised under the CO2 banding system for doing so will be getting a rebate/lower road tax?......

As far as I can see not that affect people at ground level in city centers and heavily congested areas.

Oh there's loads of stuff floating around in cities I'm sure. People walking past smoking, workmen re tarmacing roads, drains and sewers and I still think tube trains are not as clean as they say. If you've ever been in a tube station you can small the carbon from the motors and the brakes. And you'll never stop lorries going into the city centre until they make a super dooper battery that can be used in one.
Once again just to clarify, it's being pushed as diesels are bad for the 'environment' but its people that diesels are bad for.

Petrol car still push out more green house environment affecting gasses, diesels push out less green house environment damaging gasses but more carcinogenic harmful to human type gasses.
Once again just to clarify, it's being pushed as diesels are bad for the 'environment' but its people that diesels are bad for.

Petrol car still push out more green house environment affecting gasses, diesels push out less green house environment damaging gasses but more carcinogenic harmful to human type gasses.

So buy a petrol and you're killing polar a diesel and you're giving people cancer...