Blaupunkt Nashville DAB47 help please

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Blaupunkt Nashville DAB47 help please


New member
Mar 27, 2010
Firstly i would like to say hello to all members.

I bought a Fiat Grande Punto 1.2 Active DUB yesterday only 18month old and 9K miles on clock. On the way home i was playing an MP3 disc and the cd player started acting up. Firstly it would stop playing intermittently and a message came up saying DISC ERROR. I managed to eject the disc and i noticed it was very very hot! I put the disc in again and it managed to play for a little while but then stopped altogether.
I tried ejecting the MP3 disk but nothing happened. The eject button light and the light below the slot were red which seems to me to indicate a fault of somekind??

Is the heat problem normal or is there a problem with the unit?
How can i get the disc out of the unit?
How can i prevent/cure the problem ?

Although i got the FIAT car manuals & service history documents for the vehicle I didn't get a manual or radio code for the CD unit. I will contact the garage on monday but if they havent got the information where can I get it? This put a dampener on my day because i really like the car.

I drove home approx 80miles and i averaged 52.5mpg which was very impressive and 1 of the reasons why i picked this model.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you
Ive got the same car as you whizzywilly. I had same problem on way to college one morning. Managed to get disc out after it saying disc error. Same again was very hot and so rang local dealer and got a new headunit shipped over from blaupunkt themselves. Took around 5weeks but still had radio.

And 52mpg very good, best ive got is 45.3mpg on way to southhampton for some car bits. Enjoy the car!.
Yeah definately F****D. Yeah warranty will cover it, although with it being 18month old you need to log it to your dealer before second year runs out, because third year is worthless. Covers next to nothing.