Well, did you all like the last one? I think I'll not do another after this but I'd love to see another person have a go.
So, lets get started.
This is a very simple wee device I made when in my 20's and it figured large in getting me the most significant job - in terms of career progression - I've ever had. See how small the pipe bore is and how thick the tubing sidewall. The chamfered end is also important - there's a clue for you.

How about this one? Yes it's an obstruction spanner but for a very specific application.

Here's a wee collection of very strange looking things, What would you be doing with them and why were they necessary.

Could this be some strange sort of file? Well no, but it is used to remove metal. what's it called?

What do you think I'd be about to do if you saw me with this small (roughly 1ft by 1ft6 ins) pane of quarter inch plate glass and a sheet of emery cloth?

And, lastly. (That's going to be enough I think?) What am I going to do with this little lot?

Have fun with it folks.
Got a sore arm and a bit of a headache this morning. I'm guessing it's the jag but if that's all it's going to do to me then Hurrah!
So, lets get started.
This is a very simple wee device I made when in my 20's and it figured large in getting me the most significant job - in terms of career progression - I've ever had. See how small the pipe bore is and how thick the tubing sidewall. The chamfered end is also important - there's a clue for you.

How about this one? Yes it's an obstruction spanner but for a very specific application.

Here's a wee collection of very strange looking things, What would you be doing with them and why were they necessary.

Could this be some strange sort of file? Well no, but it is used to remove metal. what's it called?

What do you think I'd be about to do if you saw me with this small (roughly 1ft by 1ft6 ins) pane of quarter inch plate glass and a sheet of emery cloth?

And, lastly. (That's going to be enough I think?) What am I going to do with this little lot?

Have fun with it folks.
Got a sore arm and a bit of a headache this morning. I'm guessing it's the jag but if that's all it's going to do to me then Hurrah!