Technical Air Conditioning

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Technical Air Conditioning

Jun 5, 2020
Someone I work with has the tool to do a DIY re-gas of my air conditioning, I just have to by the gas from eBay for £20, however I'm wondering if its worth it...

If I turn the air-con on currently the light comes on but it doesn't get cold and there is no change in sound or jump in engine revs, is that normal? Or could it mean it needs more than just a re-gas?
If the compressor clutch is not working, then you have to assume the aircon is completely empty and to try to recharge it with a diy kit may well be a complete waste, the new gas could just leak out again, if it’s not working at all then you really need to get it looked at properly.
So should there be a visual/audible jump in revs regardless of whether the system is empty?

No, modern cars with much better control of the aircon should not see any real difference in revs when the aircon kicks in,

You will need to find the airconditioning compressor under the bonnet and then turn it on and off and see if the clutch is engaging by seeing if the centre of the aircon pulley starts turning or not.