2 Subs or 1 ?

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2 Subs or 1 ?

Aug 6, 2012
As you may have seen in previous post im playing on upgrading my stereo. My previous car I ran on 12" 400w RMS sub. I was thinking maybe a 8" under seat sub but I dont think it will give enough.
Im now thinking maybe 2 10" 200w RMS Focal in the boot.

What I want to know is there any advantage in having two rather then one? space isnt really an issue as Ill be making a custom enclosure. My previous I built into the spare wheel space.
For others wanting the answer I have found it. If you think about its pretty simple. The larger the area being moved the greater the sound. So a 12" will be louder than a 10" of the same spec but two 10" will be louder then a 12".
That said two 10" sound quality should be greater as each sub won't need to be pushed as hard to create the same level of sound as two subs give you twice the volume.
Riding this thread.

How do you mach the subs to the size of the car?

How do you mach the subs number and size to the size of the car?
I think you're looking for a simple reply to a very complicated question.

One decent sub, in a decent enclosure, powered correctly will be a lot clearer than a couple of things, whacked in a box with any old amp wired up.

What type of music do you listen to? At what volume? How much space are you willing to allow? Whats your budget?

Personal opinion counts for a lot too. I think most Fiats, given the size, don't require more than a single sub (unless its a special build) for the everyday driver. A single 10" will be more than adequate if all you are looking for is something to compliment your music and fill the bottom end.