whats this and/or whats it do?

Currently reading:
whats this and/or whats it do?

I don't know from that picture that it is inanimate-it could be a sort of fish..
I feel the inference that it is an inanimate object is fair enough considering the picture.

I didn't read that Neo.
That would just be your interpretation of the picture though paul...give you imagination more exercise.
A few words on a forum aren't proof enough!!! Just don't leave evidence in bins ;)
I already have but they said "Gillingham, DORSET, drives a Stilo" isn't enough of a description to send the flying squad around. Bloody useless police!

I don't think my imagination is working, I fail to see how you could misunderstand that for being a fish?! Maybe I should learn more about fish.
Paul you're missing out not allowing hash in your kitchen....how you make special cookies?
I have to allow it, at least once a week people smoke weed in my lounge and kitchen so if i leave my room, I get a passive "high". I dislike drugs enough but dislike even more so that I have no choice but to be subjected to it whilst making dinner which I think is unfair. I have no business in what people do in general in their own home if it affects nobody else but when it's in my face (after how much I pay for my living costs) i think it's well out of order.

I have to soon go and make dinner and I know it's usually Saturday that they do it :(

David, this is all excellent discussion re: the object ;)
The difference in attitudes between alcahol and pot amazes me and the reason, one is legal, one isn't. I realise that should create a difference of attitude, but the attitudes of some suggest that there is a far greater difference between the two.
I had to physically escort someone from my common room last year, if people think they can smoke illegal and harmful stuff in my face they can think again - scum.

Kick their asses Paul.
I think both are bad but I do agree it's odd how one is legal and the other isn't, one is accepted by most of society the other is well accepted but not as much.

Both I am sure can be enjoyed but both can also "fcuk up" lives so much. Ah well, you did say Neo that destructive things in life are necessary, I am just not sure I agree with that sometimes.

Kirsty; the thing with alcohol is that aslong as you drink within certain limits, it can actually have a beneficial affect over years where as cannibis smoking is actually 8x more carcinogenic than tobacco use.
Richard, I wish I had the confidence but when there's 8 or more (when they have their mates) smoking (be it tobacco or weed, both of which aren't allowed in my flat by uni policy) I can't go and do anything, they dislike me too much already.

I just keep myself to myself and leave my food cooking and go back to my room.
Paul said:
they dislike me too much already.

They won't mind if you smack them one then.

Must say I was a bit unlucky with my housemates last year but make sure you chose your own next year! Here's a tip... Fill up the big kitchen bin with water and prop it against their door so it goes in their room when they open their door in the morning. obviously make sure nobody knows it was you. Pick someone who has clothes all over the floor.
Having spent some time with a regional crime squad, the criminal aspect often associated with weed dealing makes it a far more damaging problem.

I am not saying this is always the case at all, but in some cases it funds other activities.