The Cinq is gone :( but we have a new addition :D

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The Cinq is gone :( but we have a new addition :D

Feb 15, 2007
West Yorkshire
Just sold the cinq :( (a.k.a. 'Princess' by my gf :rolleyes: lol) I only got £100 for it even tho it was drivable, but for the amount of issues she had and since she was sorn, it was a fair price. hoped for a little more but TBH im happy its off the drive for my new car :) It was kinda gutting tho tbh, i kinda got quite attached to that car :eek: The conversion project wouldn't have happened until summer at the earliest anyway and im sure i can find a better base for the conversion should i decide to go ahead with it some other time.

So the new car... I got a corker here :D Brava 1.6 with 6 months MOT for.....

wait for it....

£50!!!! :slayer: the guy was going to get a refund on the tax he'd just bought for it, but i bought that off him too so i could keep the car on the road if needs be. so whats the catch? Its a '97 with...
- Injector light flickering and running like a POS. Hopefully just the common injector issue.
- Exhaust Blowing. Should patch over tho.
- Bonnet cable snapped. Managed to get my hand up to release the catch tho so just a case of removing the cable and replacing.
Other than that its a great car. theres a 'clean' dent in the boot which should just pull out and it could do with new door handles.
I once got a suzuki vitara on a G plate for £37

It just coudnt run right, and the £37 part made it start an run a little bit but it had mega rust and fuel supply problems, but had 9 months MOT and 6 months tax. Took it off roading, and killed it (we think the suspension collapsed at the rear!)

best £37 ever spent!