Part of a series of guides to using ePer


As we all know, in the lifetime of a car model the manufacturer will make various changes to it, driven by cost saving, legislation, redesign or whatever. ePer tracks these modifications through a modification number that you will see in the parts diagrams. You will usually see them prefixed by a 'D' or a 'C' in a parts list.

I'm going to look at modifications from a top down view to try to explain how they work in ePer, after going through this it should be easy to see how to work from the bottom up. I'll be using the Barchetta as an example as its the model I know best, bear in mind that the data in ePer spans many years of production for certain vehicles and a consistent approach to how data is recorded isn't always there.

Starting from the top​

If we navigate to the main model page in ePer for the Barchetta we get to


If we click on the 'Modification History' link we get to see all modifications made to the B through its life:


It's interesting to scroll through the history to see what changes have happened over time. The activations column shows at what point that modification was made, there are four different types of activation
  • VET – This is a change based on a Ricambio (Italian for replacement) number which is found at the bottom of the vehicle ID plate.
  • DAT – a change based on a date. A lot of modifications have a date as well as one of the other attributes such as VET or MOT
  • MOT – a change based on engine number
  • TEL – a change based on chassis number (Telaio being Italian for chassis).
So modification 1386 came in with a particular engine number, this makes sense as it is clearly a change to an engine component. Modification 1451, for the airbag, is linked to a date and a Ricambio number.

If we want to know what was changed with a particular modification we can click on the number, in this case 1386:

Now ePer shows us that the modification affected two sets of drawings. The two diagrams seem sensible as, presumably the starter motor had to change to work with the new flywheel, so let's drill down to the the starter motor page:

Here we can see that there have been a few different starter motors over the years. Our modification number is seen in the first two items, firstly with a 'C' prefix and then with a 'D'. The ‘C’ signifies the point at which a part ceased to be used and ‘D’ from when it started to be used. I think C comes from Italian cessaro meaning ceased and D from doppo meaning after. So the user of starter motor 60811705 ceased with modification 1386 and use of part 46406793 started with that modification. We then see that part 46406793 ceased being used with modification 2157. If we hover over the little 'i' in a circle (or tap it on mobile) we can see details of a modification on this page:

So the next new starter motor came in in July 1995 with a particular Ricambio number, 7947.

Large scale changes​

Where a modification makes a very large change to the vehicle it may not be possible to re-use a drawing or the number of parts affected is large. In this case a new sub-category is created You can see this on the Sub categories page such as this example where the new engine for the B meant new parts diagrams were needed:


In this case you won't see any mention of the modification number on the actual parts list but you will see it noted in the drop downs at the top of the page:

Next article in the series 'Using ePer': ePer - What do the SGRxxxxx codes mean on parts diagrams?