
500 (Classic) '65 RHD F Restoration


Hi guys :)

My name is Steve, and I'm a rusty-old-car-aholic :p

I've been quietly browsing the forums for a while, and slowing collecting knowledge while looking out for a 500 project. A few weeks ago I took the plunge and bought a project, it's definitely not the best starting point, but it's also far from the worst.

It's a RHD 1965 500F in dark blue. It appears to have been off the road since the mid 80s, and was recently purchased by a trader who was clearly looking to getting running and flip it for a profit before he realised just how much was wrong with it (and there is quite a lot wrong) beneath the surprisingly shiny paint job.

This means it's come to me already mostly disassembled. I'm aware this is a bad idea, especially as this is my first 500 and so I'm not familiar with how it all goes back together... It can't be that complex though can it?! :p

In the photos you can see how it looked as delivered to me, and also how my other classic (also resurrected from a 30+ year lay up period) dwarfs it!

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So, it's several months later, did I get anything done on my 500? The short answer is no. :ROFLMAO: The modern Abarth and I have become firm friends and it's here to stay, so I've been out driving that lots and working on my motorbikes.


But once the salt left the roads then I've also been making time to go out and enjoy my 'proper' 500 also :) I was pleased to see that it had over wintered fairly well, and that after a year on the road it was still looking pretty clean and tidy underneath, with the exception of the blue over spray on the rear suspension arms (add fixing that to the 'to do list'!) and the new steering tie rod which I presume must have just been bare metal. I will get that painted at some point.


The part of the car that has suffered most is the cheap aftermarket wing mirrors I bought, which have rusted and pitted already. Still could be worse, with a clean up and polish they will look like they've got 60 years of patina and match the rest of the bright work on the car!


The Abarth is off the road at the minute for the maintenance, so I'm enjoying making excuses to use my little 500. It does rather stick out in the supermarket car park though...


... and by stick out I mean look tiny. It really gives perspective as to how massive modern cars have become.

As for many parents of toddlers, my time for driving for pleasure is quite limited, and often my only time to myself is later in the evening. But I do love a drive with the roof open to see the stars and the slightly cool evening air coming in the cabin, it's possibly my favourite time to drive. On quiet roads with the last hints of the sunset, it's almost meditative.


I've also taken it to Shelsley Walsh hill climb a couple of times, and saw a cool 500 racing one weekend, but I only managed a quick 5 min conversation with the owner before it was his turn on the track and our paths didn't cross again.


On the way home from the last round the car decided to develop a slightly wonky idle so I gave it a good once over a couple of days later.


I checked valve clearances, timing and points gap and found no issues. The spark plugs were a little dirty, but nothing I'd expect to cause a real issue, I cleaned them up none the less.


I also took the jets out of the carb, but found no signs of debris and checked the nuts holding the carb down, which were tight. Ultimately I think it was a simple as the idle mix needed a little adjustment, a 1/4 turn richer and it was idling nicely again.... well for a few minutes anyway.

I took it for a celebratory spin, and after a couple of miles it dropped on to one cylinder. I was down some tiny narrow lanes so I tried to limp towards home a bit and also to try and find somewhere safe to investigate the issue, but I didn't get far before the car fully cut out. Upon inspection the issue was clear...


... don't forget to clip your plug leads back into the rocker cover after you're had it off folks. They will sit on the exhaust and melt! Thankfully my emergency toolkit that lives by the spare wheel included a roll of electrical tape and wrapping a few layers over the damaged sections was enough to get me home. I ordered a new set of leads and I'm now back in action!

I really should get round to giving the paint a real polish... maybe I'll get to it this autumn? Time will tell!

I keep toying with doing some performance upgrades, but again I just seem to end up wanting to drive rather than taking it apart. There are also those days when I have considered selling it, normally when my mind is carried away with whatever new project idea is grabbing my attention, but so far after a drive I've always talked myself back into how much I like this car 🙂
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Just dropping a quick update to say 'so far so good' on the Frankenstarter! It's starting better than ever and with the LED headlight bulbs and heater ducting all finessed, as in the past couple of posts, the 500 has surprised me with it's winter usability. 🙂

That said, after some internal debate with myself I have decided to spare the old girl from the salt this winter. I love using my classics all year round, but seeing how my nicely refurbed mechanicals on the (now sold) Daimler had suffered from a few years of that, did give me pause for thought. So I decided to let the 500 rest this winter and have bought a winter hack to knock about in instead. Can confirm that as it's a shade faster than the 17hp of my 500! haha.


I'd toyed with the idea of one for years now, and you only get to live once so whilst had the opportunity I thought I'd go for it. It was only a cheap one and is a bit tired in places, but I'm not scared of taking it out in the salt so I'll have some winter fun with this for now and will worry about then future later, worst case I can sell it in spring when the 500 is ready to come out from hibernation.

In theory I'd like to do a few jobs on the 500 between now and when spring comes round, mostly cosmetic bits and bobs that I didn't do this year as I would always chose to spend my time driving it than working on it... How many of those jobs I get through might be an indicator of how much time I'm out having fun in the Abarth or not! haha.
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I’m pleased to report that the cheap starter core I picked up on eBay arrived a few days ago. I was able to swap the front aluminium casting with my broken one and I once again have a functioning 500! 🙂


The starter sounds smoother and better than it ever has, so that’s good news.

I also fitted a hand throttle cable, which is helping to keep it idling when starting on these last few cold nights / mornings. Worth the £20 and 1/2 hour of fiddling to fit it, I think. 🙂

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