Technical Another Doblo going to limp mode

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Technical Another Doblo going to limp mode


Jun 26, 2016
hi everyone

wonder if you can help.

been reading through the forums and there seems to be a lot of problemns with multijets going to limp mode.

twice in the last two weeks my 57 plate 1.9 multijet 120 bhp has suddenly had loss of power while pulling away from junctions/traffic lights.

there is no engine management light on and it wont rev above 2500 ish revs and the revs rise really slowly.

If you trun off the ignition and restart it then the car starts behaving fine and drives like nothing has happened.

each time I have plugged in a cheap code reader (yes I know its not worth the plastic its made from) but there has been no codes left.

do the codes go away when the car restarts after the problem ?

I think the car has had its DPF removed and the software changed but the car has gone through 3 mot's and always passed on emissions.

its this yet another MAF problem or another usual fiat electrical gremlin ?

any help is much appreciated.

cheers Matt
hi there

todays problem was about 5 mins into a drive home from work.

I had already done 17 miles that day.

10 to work and 7 miles to dentist and back with no problems.

weather dry today and car had been sitting for 6 hours before I went home.

does seem to be random.

first time it happened was about two weeks ago, again about 5 - 10 mins into journey.

looking on forum could be anything from brake light switch to loose earth to egr valve or MAF.

I have had the car about 4 years and the egr valve had been replaced just before I got it.

I have the multiecuscan software on my laptop but not the full version. I need to order the leads but not sure it wil give me any info without the proper software.
been searching on line and it seems to me that the brake light switch may be the problem.

I have noticed that when I try to do a bit of left foot braking the car the car get confused and there is a delay until it accelerates again.

is this because of the fact that it is fly by wire and not throttle cable type ?

if I disconnect the brake light switch will it show up the problem ?

seeing as its the cheapest option I might just change it anyway and see what happens.

seems to happen with Vauxhalls that use the same multijet engine aswell.

any views greatly appreciated.
well i replaced the brake light switch and that seemed to cure it however about a week ago it just cut out while I was coming up to a roundabout. I restarted it and it all seemed ok.

I think judging by this forum that it could be the crank position sensor on its way out ?

I have just replaced the battery aswell as im sure that canbus systems don't like low voltage.

the battery was 7 years old and when I did a drop test on it the reading wqas weak so I replaced it hoping it will cure the problem.

any thoughts on this from anyone ?

also im about to buy the elm leads set for the multiscan ecu programme and I think this will do the job.

any help greatly appreciated.
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well i replaced the brake light switch and that seemed to cure it however about a week ago it just cut out while I was coming up to a roundabout. I restarted it and it all seemed ok.

I think judging by this forum that it could be the crank position sensor on its way out ?

I have just replaced the battery aswell as im sure that canbus systems don't like low voltage.

the battery was 7 years old and when I did a drop test on it the reading wqas weak so I replaced it hoping it will cure the problem.

any thoughts on this from anyone ?

also im about to buy the elm leads set for the multiscan ecu programme and I think this will do the job.

any help greatly appreciated.
If its the crank sensor the rpm needle will drop to zero when crank sensor not working.
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when it cut out I noticed loss of power and all the dash lights came on and the rev counter dropped to 0. it started fine when I dropped the clutch and turned the ignition off and then tried to restart it. will the free version of multiscan ecu together with the lead set show me any error codes or do I have to purchase the license ?
when it cut out I noticed loss of power and all the dash lights came on and the rev counter dropped to 0. it started fine when I dropped the clutch and turned the ignition off and then tried to restart it. will the free version of multiscan ecu together with the lead set show me any error codes or do I have to purchase the license ?
No you can use the free version.
thankyou for the info.

sorry but another silly question.

will I get away with just the modded EML327 lead or will I need the other colour coded adaptors to do a scan ?
hello there

I have just got the modified ELM lead from ebay and connected to my car and my laptop.

I had to change the coms port and the lead type to get it to connect.

I cannot change the service indicator as it keeps coming up with canbus error
but it did let me clear two fault codes.

glow plug control unit and brake light switch signal.

both codes had been stored but are not a fault now.

hopefully the brake light switch fault has gone as I have changed that.

do I need another lead to reset the service indicator ?

also when I connected it up to multiscan it seems that my model is a 16v and not an 8v ! I have the 120 bhp 1.9 multijet on a 57 plate.

can anyone confirm this please ?
hello there
I have just got the modified ELM lead from ebay and connected to my car and my laptop.

do I need another lead to reset the service indicator ?

also when I connected it up to multiscan it seems that my model is a 16v and not an 8v ! I have the 120 bhp 1.9 multijet on a 57 plate.

can anyone confirm this please ?

Did you 'search devices' where it finds engine and abs (pas if fitted)

That SHOULD be reliable :)

Service indicator.. what does the MES site say..?

It details which leads (coloured adaptors) to connect to what ;)
hello there

to be honest it was my first time using MES and im not 100% sure on how to actually use it.

I have looked on the MES site ref my fiat and what leads to use and it says that I don't need any extra leads.

I don't want to press too many buttons and do things im not sure of on the MES as I don't want to bugger my car up.

is there an manual for it telling you how to use it correctly ?

Had a quick look for you:

Doblo (type 263)
1.6 Multijet 16VBosch EDC16C39 CF5/EOBD Diesel Injection (1.6, 2.0)*|INFO|DTC|DTC EX|PRM|ACT|ADJ|*ELM
Bosch EDC17C49 CF5+/EOBD Diesel Injection (1.6, 2.0)*|INFO|DTC|DTC EX|PRM|ACT|ADJ|*ELM
Bosch EDC17C69 CF6/EOBD Diesel Injection (1.6, 2.0)*|INFO|DTC|DTC EX|PRM|ACT|ADJ|*ELM

A mix of ELM and ELM plus A3

The A3 is the Coloured lead

Bottom of that vehicle list is a list of the adaptors :)
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hello there

thanks for this info but this seems to be for the later doblo.

mine is a 57 plate 1.9 multijet 120 bhp. type 119

I have looked on the multiecuscan website and on the forum it does mention something about the having to use the A3 lead which I think is the yellow one.

im still puzzled that the mes still thinks I have the 16 valve engine.

im sure mine is the 8 valve version.
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I think I need the A3 yellow adaptor lead aswell.

will have to bite the bullet and buy one.

thanks for the assistance.
hello there

i have just had another trip of action and excitement in my doblo.

it has had a hesitation around 1750-2000 rpm on light throttle for a while and has been getting slightly worse every time i use it.

tonight on the way to the chippy it became very lumpy on low speed acceleration and seemed to be lacking power.

i stopped to let someone come the other way and it just cut out.

i restarted no problem but seemed to have a lack of power.

i got to a set of red lights and stopped and when they turned green i pulled away but the car seemed to have gone into limp mode and would gain any speed at all even with the throttle buried to the floor.

all the time there where no engine management lights or error messages on the dash.

i pulled over, switch off and restarted the car and it then behaved as if there was nothing wrong.

when i got home i connected the multiscanecu up to it and what a surprise there were no error messages !

funny thing though is when i stated miltiscanecu up it recognised my car was an 8 valve, but when i tried to connect to the ecu it came up with the following.

invalid ISO identifield as bosch EDC16C39 CF4/EOBD disel injection 1.9 16V !

do i have an 8 valve or a 16 valve or an 8 valve engine with a 16 valve ECU ?

the ECU ISO code says FD86 CB 85 A8.

ecu programming date 1/16/2008 !

the car was new in september 2007 !

im really puzzled now about lots of things and need to fix my car.

i was meant to be going on holiday on sunday towing a caravan but we changed our minds last week about going away. im glad we did.

please can anyone help ?
Unplug the electrical connector to the egr valve, this will probably cause the mil light to come on and a fault code to be set , but if car then drives normally with no loss of power you know it's time for a new egr valve.