Technical Wing mirror adjustment

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Technical Wing mirror adjustment


New member
Mar 23, 2022
Good afternoon.

I have a second hand 500x, 2017. Whilst both wing mirrors fold correctly, neither mirror glass will adjust using the in door controls. The garage I bought from, (who are not Fiat specialists) has determined there is power to the motors. They have sent the car to an electrician, who is also puzzled.

Can anyone make any suggestions, please?
It may be worth getting the ECU codes read.

On my old Stilo, I think I remember that the mirrors had their own "module" controlling them, so that means the input to the mirrors is going through the Body Control Module, under the dashboard... The BCM gets inputs from various controls and decides what they mean and what it has to do. If the mirrors have power to them then the problem may be that the BCM is not receiving a signal from the switch, or it is receiving a signal but is not able to carry out the command.

If both switches don't work, then it's more likely to be something in the BCM. There's usually a way to re-align the BCM (basically re-set it) so that it knows there are electric mirrors out there, if something has been "unset" somehow.

You might need Fiat-capable diagnostics software like eLearn to reset the module.. but other after-market systems may also be able to do it.

Ralf S.