General Windscreen washer bottle

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General Windscreen washer bottle

Sep 26, 2009
Does anyone else have a problem filling this up?

Mine seems to only take a little bit of fluid into the top end that takes a while to drain down to the bottom. It takes an inordinate amount of time and patience to try and fill it. So much so, I haven't in fact ever filled it to the brim.

Is it just me???
Does anyone else have a problem filling this up?

Mine seems to only take a little bit of fluid into the top end that takes a while to drain down to the bottom. It takes an inordinate amount of time and patience to try and fill it. So much so, I haven't in fact ever filled it to the brim.

Is it just me???
No i have the same issue, the filter prevents the water from going in too fast, the mesh is too fine. You can remove it so the water goes straight in, but it's a little difficult.
Does anyone else have a problem filling this up?

Mine seems to only take a little bit of fluid into the top end that takes a while to drain down to the bottom. It takes an inordinate amount of time and patience to try and fill it. So much so, I haven't in fact ever filled it to the brim.

Is it just me???
Use a funnel. You can buy them cheap at Halfords and they make filling a lot faster.
I use a funnel, but the issue still remains, the water doesn't go through the mesh fast enough! But like i said, it's easier just to remove it.
It doesn't take that long though with a funnel though. The funnel just means you can get a bit more pressure to force the water through the mesh a little faster.
Yep, same problems here, and the angle it's at makes it awkward for pouring too! A funnel's on the ever-growing Halfords list...
Yep, same problems here, and the angle it's at makes it awkward for pouring too! A funnel's on the ever-growing Halfords list...
Helps when it's windy too. When I was filling up last night there was a stiff breeze blowing and there's no way I would have got anything in without the funnel!
think about this though the mesh is there for a reason

Yep, I belive it's to stop stuff getting into the washer bottle, but thankfully clean tap water has no bits in it (our tap water is filtered too so no unsightly water marks).

However, if I were filling upo from a pond I'd leave the filter in there.
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Am I missing the blidingly obvious here.

I just pop the nozzle of the hose in the hole & squirt away (waits for obvious comments), no funnel required.
Yes but tap water is crap to use in your washer bottle.

I bought 5l of the heavy duty version of this this and I just put the appropriate amount of concentrate in a 2l coke bottle and just fill it up with water. ->