Styling Who would of thought a button could bring so much happiness

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Styling Who would of thought a button could bring so much happiness

have not seen in the dark yet, it should like well cool, so easily pleased


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A mate did it for me, not to sure of the exact costing.

Think the actual button was about 25 quid
Its not the easy go rubbish which costs the earth. its retro fitted
Interesting... I like it :D

It looks like an original button with the correct panel and everything... good effort! (y) I know that people will say, what's the point... but who cares :D

Details of parts (part numbers), costs etc would be appreciated! (y)
it is the original panel and button :D

Well i mean yes the button could been seen as pointless, its nice to have that cubby filled though, although i did stick a toy stilo car in there
Aww Phil you're so nice to me . . . I suppose I should take credit for this one too! 3 years on and I've still got it, mwoah ha ha!

Oi you bugger of back to the super market..:nerner:
have not seen in the dark yet, it should like well cool, so easily pleased

Anybody notice the better-than-factory alignment of that interior? Not to blow my own trumpet (lol, no jokes thanks!), but I am a bit of a dab hand with a Stilo!
Lol, and hello to you too Phil!!

Shyster, the start button has to be saved for the Stilo my man! The Bravo is far more a chrome handles and Blue&Me Nav kinda car :p

:worship: :worship: :devil: and done in the nicest poossible way..[Kenny everett] :p