Technical Wheel bolts

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Technical Wheel bolts

Feb 25, 2014
I've fitted my 8v active with a set of sporting spoked alloys, I used the original wheel screws from my steels and all went ok. Should I have used different bolts or are the original ones ok?
Thanks guys

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it seems fiat used the same wheel bolts for alloys as they did for there steel wheels so you should be ok the only issue is the length of the bolts but plenty of people here have sporting wheels so should be able to confirm if the originals are ok or not

Locking wheel bolts can be bought brand new from your local fiat dealer for around £13-14 which makes buying a second hand set pointless
To clarify
If wheels came off similar year to current car then standard fiat wheel bolts are correct
Think about it they use the same bolts for the space saver spare if needed.
Theres only things like mercedes that use confusing different bolt set ups for puncture situations

If you live in a crime free area i wouldnt consider STANDARD ALLOY wheels to be the new objects of desire on an old fiat,things like mobile phone theft are much easier to steal and move on, so lockers really are vieux chapeau
A mate had a good go at hospitalizing himself using standard but wrong shape nuts on a set of alloys he got down the pub for his Midget MG. Only took a few miles for the plot to unwind. Moral of the story is always ask if changing wheels. The way things are going, steelies are becoming objects of desire, for some cars at least as alloys become standard and more and more start using winter tyres.
Lockers tend to fail when you get a flat. Probably down to overtightening but the material in some of those keys isn't up to much.
i use my alloy wheel bolts (Came with car btw) on my steel wheels during winter with no issues

Dont know if it can work the other way around tho

I'd seriously consider 1x locking nut for each wheel

I had a recent even where the 3 standard bolts were loose - but the not the locking
I had strong suspicion that somebody tried to steal an alloy - but couldnt due to the locker

In my area where i was parked, boy racers have nicked things from cars in the past

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Got a price and a shock from fiat for a set of locking wheel nuts!!! £46 OMG ???

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I have checked this for you and it is not a part we keep on the shelf. I am able to order them and would cost £45.95, they would take approx 3 working days to arrive, then a further 2 days for delivery to yourself. If this is OK for you I will arrange for the part to be put on the website so you can complete the order.

Kind Regards

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Got a price and a shock from fiat for a set of locking wheel nuts!!! £46 OMG ???

(Thank you for your enquiry with

I have checked this for you and it is not a part we keep on the shelf. I am able to order them and would cost £45.95, they would take approx 3 working days to arrive, then a further 2 days for delivery to yourself. If this is OK for you I will arrange for the part to be put on the website so you can complete the order.

Kind Regards

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Not sure if these are any good for you?
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Locking wheel bolts? 46 quid frig that,

whats wrong with Mc Gard ones'? 17 quid ish a set,

you will find secound hand ones on the bay of 'E'

personaly idont like them, sooner have ordinary bolts in, less hastle,
Locking wheel bolts? 46 quid frig that,

whats wrong with Mc Gard ones'? 17 quid ish a set,

you will find secound hand ones on the bay of 'E'

personaly idont like them, sooner have ordinary bolts in, less hastle,

Untill you find somebody has left your car on bricks because they've nicked your alloys....

I was soo close to it happening, yet a £13 set of nuts stopped it!

Well worth it!

Locking wheel bolts? 46 quid frig that,

whats wrong with Mc Gard ones'? 17 quid ish a set,

you will find secound hand ones on the bay of 'E'

personaly idont like them, sooner have ordinary bolts in, less hastle,

Oldhammer I've ordered a set of those mc gard ones off eBay good price

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