Hi All.
Whilst changing my oxygen sensor, I noticed hanging down from a cable, this part which I cannot identify. It was secured with a cable tie to a black cable (not an electric cable) running next to and a little beneath the battery tray. Just dangling there, didn't appear to be doing anything, so I snipped the cable tie. It has a hollow tube on one end (for a rod? a cable?) and a mini balljoint thingy on the other. About 3-4 inches wide. What is it? Where does it go?? Thanks!!
Whilst changing my oxygen sensor, I noticed hanging down from a cable, this part which I cannot identify. It was secured with a cable tie to a black cable (not an electric cable) running next to and a little beneath the battery tray. Just dangling there, didn't appear to be doing anything, so I snipped the cable tie. It has a hollow tube on one end (for a rod? a cable?) and a mini balljoint thingy on the other. About 3-4 inches wide. What is it? Where does it go?? Thanks!!