What to do, hmmm....

Currently reading:
What to do, hmmm....

Spoke to the Hospital and they told us that the GP has been there for 2 years and no ones ever come back for it and they have NO IDEA who owns it !!

Also spoke to the nursery, (who share the carpark) and they told us the exact same thing!

They both also said it wasnt any staff members car either!
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Looks like it's the DVLA then for a Keeper Enquiry. An HPI check may also show up whether or not it's been stolen. It might also be worth enquiring at the Surgery and Nursery as to whether they've reported it to the Police and what the outcome was. In other words have they asked if it was stolen.
It's on SORN, so someone knows about it, so the owner should be contactable.
Go the DVLA route. If they won't tell you who owns it, speak again to either the hospital or nursery, they can apply as a business, which may get a better result.
Phoned the DVLA today, as per usual spoke to machine..... after going through all the options (17 minutes later) I select keeper enquirey (or what ever it was):D... then the automated voice tells me that "REQUESTS OF THIS NATURE CAN ONLY BE DONE BY EMAIL" :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
17 mins of my life wasted.....

Anyway found the correct DVLA email form and have filled it ouT and wrote alot etc etc, and just now got a confirmation email saying that they have recieved it. So fingers crossed :D:D:D:D
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Update from the hospital: They have tried to get the car moved and contacted the DVLA and the police, the hospitalhave been informed by the police that they have traced the owner of the GP, but will refuse to contact them, or remove the car..... and have told the Hopsital there is nothing they can do:mad::mad:

Maybe its a local villans or someone in prisions :confused:
Update from the hospital: They have tried to get the car moved and contacted the DVLA and the police, the hospitalhave been informed by the police that they have traced the owner of the GP, but will refuse to contact them, or remove the car..... and have told the Hopsital there is nothing they can do:mad::mad:

Maybe its a local villans or someone in prisions :confused:

Police can't take action as its on private property.
Got my reply from the DVLA, they clearly read my message and told me to fill in this form "request of info from an induvidual" but with that i need to send of £7.50... and ill probably get a response that they cant do anything...
ImageUploadedByFIAT Forum1367620319.609877.jpg here's a little pic !