Why not
I stopped making jibes at people with modded cars as I was told it was "stamping their personality" "individuality" "Cant afford the insurance" "cant afford a better car" etc etc and you lot, including you Rob, turned my thinking around with your ideas and enthusiasm for what you had or were doing.
So, why, as a modder yourslef, slate this guy for modding his car? It is exactly the same as making a 1.8 Bravo look as if it should go faster - just because he has chosen a different car from yours - isn't that the individuality you keep telling me about.
I actually admire this guy in a sick sort of way because he has had to struggle to put together his "package" whereas the Bravo guys can easily buy "off the peg". I must admit I wouldn't have let them take the photo of me in the driving seat though!