Styling weird alloys!

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Styling weird alloys!


New member
May 5, 2009
as you know im looking to buy alloys for my chm grey gp at a recent cruise i saw a golf and when the car was moving there was a weird sort of circle shine from his alloys it was a small circular shine from his alloys and it was slightly ofset from the middle any ideas what these wheels could be
Have to say I do like a bit of sarcasm now and again, its far more entertaining than boring old personal insults :D
as you know im looking to buy alloys for my chm grey gp at a recent cruise i saw a golf and when the car was moving there was a weird sort of circle shine from his alloys it was a small circular shine from his alloys and it was slightly ofset from the middle any ideas what these wheels could be

not weird alloys but weird valve caps like these on eBuy... (bother cant post link yet as I'm a newbie:bang:) search "light valve cap" hope that helps

BTW - Who and I mean W H O fits teddy bear alloy wheels :eek:
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you should see how much they sell for! ronal teddies cost mint iirc
Guess they are just the thing for Mummy Buses & Dad Taxis :rolleyes:

Not sure if these are weird of cleaver (saves taking of wheels to show off your pretty brakes & suspension)...

