General Vehicle engine cut out caused by loss of all electrical power but restarted ok with key after pulling over

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General Vehicle engine cut out caused by loss of all electrical power but restarted ok with key after pulling over


Apr 13, 2019
I was driving along today , luckily on a quiet and very straight B road when the engine suddenly died and I noted that the dash illumination/odemeter/radio went off too suggesting electrical power interruption as the cause. Was able to pull over safely due to road conditions but could have been terrifying on a motorway or bendy road under busier conditions so am wondering if anyone has had the same thing happen and what the issue was? I will of course check battery connections and earth first but this has never happened before and am of course concerned it will happen again under less safe circumstances. Garage has no idea other than checking battery connections but I had a Peugeot Partner 2.0hdi once which did the same thing and that was a hidden multiplug connector that was the cause so hoping similar thing here. Ultra reliable car otherwise.