OK here it is, this is the fella I collected last night. Some of you will have seen it at a couple of Thoresby Hall shows. If you didn't get the story the couple who owned it bought the car new back in '95. Sold it a few years later as you do, but then bought it back a couple of years ago after spotting it looking sorry for itself on ebay. The body's stood up remarkably well and over the last couple of years it's had a lot of love and attention lavished on it to get it back in top order. There's a list as long as your arm of new parts gone on and it's incredibly clean under the bonnet, inside and out. Real credit to them.
Late '94 reg Colour (the decals were deleted on purchase, can't say I disagree) Looking pretty decent, odd bits of touch up over the years in colours only vaguely similar to the original but most of the original paintwork is good and well polished.
Interior was decent but some damage to the bottom of the collumn cover, and the gear gaiter and knob had some wear probably from the lock that came along with it.
Stereo a bit weedy for my tastes
Sadly the trademark colour switch box had seen better days too.
Have loads of spare interior trim but not in the grey, so this has been my days tinkering. Original plan was to try and keep this car as standard as possible but I can match it all up this way. Means it'll get all posh with a passenger door pocket too.
Guessing I've disturbed a connection when I've had the dash apart. Went back to check on the whole not starting situation, put a spark checker on, got the wife to crank it and it started straight away. Clearly just in a huff with me because I'd been messing it about all day