General Tank leaking?

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General Tank leaking?

Oct 25, 2003
I filled the car up thursday and did a few miles in it on friday.

We noticed there are marks on the drive where the back end of the car sits and then a line of wet going down the drive. I am assuming it might be the fuel tank as its right at the back of the car. I looked under the car and couldnt see anything dripping. I havent brimmed the car for a few weeks so not sure if there is something loose around the tank?

I am going to give fiat a call a bit later on when i get home. Has anyone else had anything similar. I dont think its oil and i dont think its the water pump as its the rear of the car so fits in with the fuel tank.
sometimes if you brim the tank too far and then park on drive at a slight angle for instance some will escape out the overfill release.

Put a piece of cardboard under the rear of the car if your worried that way you can highlight what fluid it is. My suspicions are it won't happen again unless you overfill it.
When the weather is hot and you're using airco, some water will come out of the bottom of the car... maybe it's because of the airco..?
Diesel still stinks even in the wet, ask any biker.... :eek:
And it blatently obvious to spot on water as it turns into rainbow colours.
As soon as you see that on a bike when its raining the first thought that runs through your head is oh Sh*t. More so on a roundabout / corner lol

Aye... look for where you'll go on your ass! Can smell diesel too though, same as cig smell when you follow a driver whos smoking, look out for the butt end from the window!:eek: