Technical Strange....

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Technical Strange....

Smudge 123

New member
May 9, 2012
Wrexham, North Wales
Ok here we go again but not oil this time. they say they changed it

But On the way to garage engine sounded ok (a tiny but sluggish i thought but it could just be me) everything was fine until i was coming down the hill and to stop at the lights with clutch down and other foot on the break and in 1st gear ready to move away.

All of a sudden (while i was waiting for the lights to change) the rev counter started to go up and down not a lot at all. as if someone was touching the accelerator pedal a bit. while this was happening the car did a slight judder and then just died. turn the key and started no problem and ididnt do it again. garage took it for a run and couldnt find anything.

The car has never done this in the 4 years we had it. always ran smooth. I know they changed a spark plug.

I will say yesterday when i went down to check things out i did turn the car on and a it felt like it was juddering a tiny bit but seemed to go away.

Any ideas?
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I had the Sam problem got my mate to clean my throttle housing and it's all fine now, either that or you've got a ghost that wants to go faster
Get some carb cleaner (make sure it says suitable for throttle bodies) take the big black box off - cant miss this! also be prepared to see the smallest engine of your life! :D

Open up the throttle body "butterfly" by the right hand black bit thats attached to the throttle cable spray inside, wipe up any excess put filter back on (temporary) start engine give it a few gentle revs turn engine off and repeat this 5 times.

This sorted it for me when I had similar problem as yours.

You should see a bit of excess smoke come out of exhaust, don't worry about this it's only burning the cleaner off with crap coming out! Always fun to watch!

Thanks. What tools would i need to have a go myself?

Will it get any worse or could it go away?

No special tools required, just a 10mm spanner to remove the bolts for air filter then underneath is your breather hose just pop that off the filter and that is it!

And of course the carb cleaner, this is only if you intend to do it while it being attached to the car which I find is a lot better and less work involved but in a way it is better to take it off but if you're like me like to do jobs in the quickest and efficient way as possible leave it on :D

Just an aerosol of carb cleaner (try Netto or the Pound Shop)a spanner for the throttle cable nut, and the odd screwdriver. Can't remember if the throttle body uses torx fittings.

When re-fitting, there should be some free play in the throttle cable.

If it is a dirty TB, it will get worse over time.
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it probably juddered coz billy no mates in the garage probably got some surplus oil in the spark plug hole
if you want my advice if car now running sweetly dont bother with the throttle body
these only get gunged up when car has piston blow by due to worn engine:)
Maybe i will see how it goes and see if it does it again and if it does then get it sorted.

I told the guy (who drove our car) with me in it to make sure its ok and he revved the car up etc and it behaved. Couldnt i just with the engine off press the accelerator pedal to the floor and hoped that worked or is that a bad idea?

I always get someone who knows what they are doing (or who is supposed to know), that way if it goes wrong they have done it not me :)
With engine off and 8v punto, all you're doing is opening the throttle body with the throttle cable. It won't really do much.

I would see how it goes.

If still a problem, pop box off, and have a look.

If unsure as to gunge factor, post a pic.
thanks. i will see how it goes. s&b you could be quite right. and with the oil been so thin it could have gone anywhere. all we have is there word they changed oil. but we were there about an hour including time to road test. but my gut feeling thinks was the oil changed....