General stilo 1.2 16v help

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General stilo 1.2 16v help


New member
Jan 3, 2009
can make my car any faster than it is by adding induction kits etc..need help plz..thanks
By faster do you mean top speed or acceleration?

1.2 Stilo isnt slow top end, just takes a good while to get there... you can spend a lot of money for little gain on the 1.2 16valve engine, cheapest start is a good induction kit, smaller wheels would improve acceleration but would look sh*t!

Have you tried doing a Search on this site on tuning the 1.2 16 valve engine?
i would prefer more acceleration to be honest..would it make any difference if i add a back box or sports manifold??
i would prefer more acceleration to be honest..would it make any difference if i add a back box or sports manifold??

Maybe slightly, it would change the sound the car makes for sure, thing is performance mods have to be done in conjunction to get full benefits, doing simple mods dont do that really, tuning is about freeing up the mass production restrictions and squeezing out every last drop of available energy, and getting that on to the road. In my opinion to get any real tangible benefits will cost quite a lot of money, and insurance for a modified car gets very prohibitive, best bet is to change the car for an un-modified 1.4 or even a 1.6 version for petrol, or find a good diesel and re-map it.
A sports exhaust may actually reduce your cars bhp output!

Angel Tuning still do a remap for the 1.2 Stilo, I've still never got around to this, I will some day. Its good for about 8bhp and about the same in torque. But more importantly its lower down in the rev range so makes your car "real world" quicker than before the map.

Personally I think the 1.2 has sufficient power, if you want to go quickly you use the gears and rev its revvy little nuts off, if you want to save fuel you change gear early and let the car build speed.

However if you live in Northumberland your f*cked! lol! I'd say my 1.2 has never felt underpowered, until I drove around Northumberland, 3rd gear for some of the hills round there lol.
i had the 1.2 and to be honest theres no point touching it really as you wont get much more out of it, i always believed fiat already got the most out of it.

for the size of the car and the engine, the way its geared and delivers its power is suprising for standard, i will even lay odds that you will spank a 1.4 megane around a track and pull off an MPG about 10mpg better

i have been in small engined cars heavilly modded with bad results... namely fiesta 1.25 zetecs, and larger engine cars with bad gear ratios and power levels (meganes). the stilo is a very suprising car in 1.2 form.

if you want something more nippy and low insurance and running costs (the reason i had a 1.2) then as suggested the JTDs are the way forward. I nearly got a JTD150 sporting and it was very similar insurance and im pretty sure the mpg return would be as low as the 1.2..... if not better

take your tuning money and buy a decent stereo system (not a boot install, just head unit, speakers) and some magic trees and car polish/detailing equipment
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I used to have a Fiat Uno and wanted faster accelleration.

So I removed the rear seats, spare wheel and jack kit, carpets, front passenger seat, rear plastic speaker supports and belts and mounts and all rear internal panels.

And also only ever filled petrol tank to half full.

This made a noticable difference.

But then I filled it with 6 six inch thick birch ply,80kg of subs, 140kg of batteries, 30kg of flashband, cables amps etc..

It then went a lot slower....
1.2 is a nippy car and everyone says the same thing when they get in it. I didnt get mine to go fast just look nice and keep the insurance down until i can afford to pump up the engine size back up again. No point wasting your money on small performance increases with that engine, just get a bigger one an do that up.

I have been thinking about more power actually, after using my sisters Skoda vrs 1.9TDI i do feel i am missing something. Funny actually as my old man has been complimenting Skoda aswell this week as he brought one back while his merc is in the garage, 170bhp i think the new octavia vrs. Looking lika a good week for Skoda in the Joners household :D