Technical Steering disaligned?

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Technical Steering disaligned?

Oct 12, 2009
Hey again,
My punto failed its MOT on Saturday due to brake balance and a wobbly suspension arm. They did fix this by replacing the brake discs, pads and a new arm but now i've noticed that my steering wheel is always slightly turned to the right when driving in a straight line. Could they have ruined the wheel balance or something? Or could this have always affect the car but i've only just noticed becuase they repaired it?
I've also noticed, upon moving off, that the car steers to the right quite a lot.
Anything i can do to fix this? Or should i take it to the mechanics who did the MOT and complain about it?

Many thanks again guys
The twonks have not reset the tracking, which they should have done after fitting the arm.

Make sure they do not try and move the steering wheel to correct the issue, the tracking needs doing with the rack centred to preserve the ackerman angles.

Take it back and explain, obviously in words of one sylable, that they have screwed up.

You are chewing tyres as you drive, and the car is unstable.


Wow, i didn't think it would be that bad.
I'll take it in tomorrow and tell them. I'll watch them do it, what am i to be looking out for apart from not moving the steering wheel to correct it?
I have the same problem, except mines is turned to the right when driving straight. If i let go of the wheel when driving >30 the car goes off to the left. Is my problem the same as the OP's ?

if your not sure, go to your local garage as most of them check tracking for free and charge for adjusting. Mine only charges £15 anyway if it does.
I have the same problem, except mines is turned to the right when driving straight. If i let go of the wheel when driving >30 the car goes off to the left. Is my problem the same as the OP's ?

Yeah i THINK my punto does steer to the left slightly

if your not sure, go to your local garage as most of them check tracking for free and charge for adjusting. Mine only charges £15 anyway if it does.
So if i go back to them i'm looking to be charged for their mistake? I bloody well hope not.
Hey again, just taken the car in and complained that they hadn't reset the tracking. They told me it was a a completely different procedure and will cost me 30 quid. I dont really know much about it so i couldn't argue my point so i just told them to ring me when its done.
The tracking should have been part of the original quote. When any suspension part is replaced the tracking also has to be re-set. This should have been made clear when they took on the job. To do part of the repair and then demand another £30 to finish the job is (IMHO) dodgy business practice.

I think you should point out in strong (but polite) terms that they had miss-lead you.

The actual wheel tracking can be correct with the steering wheel not centered, but it still shows un-careful if not shoddy work. I also believe that electric assisted steering will not work correctly if the steering wheel is not centered.

If its not straight when done take it back immediately and get it sorted FOC
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So what am i to say? I'm not paying for it?
On the invoice it says:
"O/S/F Suspension arm - Fitted 68.07". Not really sure how to argue my point on this.
Thanks for your help so far guys
The arguement is quite simple, really.

They have fitted a new suspension component.

Good practice is to ensure the tracking is correct following any suspension work. If they leave the car in a dangerous condition following their work they would be liable if you had the misfortune to have an accident.

The cost of tracking should be included in the price quoted for the job, you have trusted them to produce a repair that is to an 'acceptable standard'. As the repair is not of an 'acceptable standard' which they have now agreed with by doing the tracking, you could suggest to them that as the first job was not of 'reasonable standard' then you have recourse at law to have the repair made safe.

If they charge you for the tracking you will be taking them to the small claims court for failing to produce a job of 'acceptable standard'.


You're a genius man.Many thanks for your help as well, i really appreciate it.
I'll get back to you once i've picked her up.
Well they explained to me that there was mis-communication and that they weren't supposed to do it unless i asked for it. They did knock off a tenner and it only cost me 20 quid for all four wheels to be aligned. I am quite happy about how professional they were though, and the handling is a hell of a lot better.
Thanks for your help everyone.
Well they explained to me that there was mis-communication and that they weren't supposed to do it unless i asked for it. They did knock off a tenner and it only cost me 20 quid for all four wheels to be aligned. I am quite happy about how professional they were though, and the handling is a hell of a lot better.
Thanks for your help everyone.

Thats a reasonable result, really. £88 for an arm and tracking, including the VAT ain't bad.

