During my visit to the motor factor's last week a chap came in and started looking along the self service display shelves. He startled me by coming up behind me, holding out a bottle of the above product: https://steelseal.co.uk/ and asking "any good"?
I've been disappointed with this type of product - but not this actual brand - when I was younger, and this experience leads me to veer away from using similar product - I'd rather do the job "properly" and replace the head gasket if that's what's called for - However I don't consider it my job to loose sales for the factor so I said "depends on what you're trying to fix and what the vehicle is I suppose". Then to the counter staff "d'ya sell much of it"? The reply was that of the ones they had sold, so far, there'd been no comebacks. I asked the vehicle owner what was going on with the vehicle and it turns out he's carrying containers of water around with him and topping up several times a day - Turns out it's an old Transit being used on delivery work and is booked in for a head off job later in the week but he can't afford to stop using it. He'd been told by "the garage" that it needed a head gasket. I didn't hear it running but it must have sounded pretty "sick" if it was using that much water! Or maybe it needs a water pump? or maybe? So I told him that in the circumstances he'd nothing to loose but that I'd be surprised if it works. I did get a bit of a shock at the price though!
When I got home I Googled the product and was surprised to read what it claims to be able to fix so I'm just wondering if anyone has used it and if so did it work?
I've been disappointed with this type of product - but not this actual brand - when I was younger, and this experience leads me to veer away from using similar product - I'd rather do the job "properly" and replace the head gasket if that's what's called for - However I don't consider it my job to loose sales for the factor so I said "depends on what you're trying to fix and what the vehicle is I suppose". Then to the counter staff "d'ya sell much of it"? The reply was that of the ones they had sold, so far, there'd been no comebacks. I asked the vehicle owner what was going on with the vehicle and it turns out he's carrying containers of water around with him and topping up several times a day - Turns out it's an old Transit being used on delivery work and is booked in for a head off job later in the week but he can't afford to stop using it. He'd been told by "the garage" that it needed a head gasket. I didn't hear it running but it must have sounded pretty "sick" if it was using that much water! Or maybe it needs a water pump? or maybe? So I told him that in the circumstances he'd nothing to loose but that I'd be surprised if it works. I did get a bit of a shock at the price though!
When I got home I Googled the product and was surprised to read what it claims to be able to fix so I'm just wondering if anyone has used it and if so did it work?
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