Technical Spray Bar problem?

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Technical Spray Bar problem?

Apr 8, 2008
Done my Cam cover today, and i checked the head was getting plenty of oil
With the crank sensor disconnect i could crank happily to check

However i found that 1 2 3 were giving a nice jet onto the cams
the 4cyl yet was more of a dribble

The tappets and cams are getting lubricated as there sitting in a bath of oil, but is it to worry? typically i really did seal the cam cover right down to stop the leaking....

no leave it till it gets colder and oil gets thicker and you can have the knock knocky knock of the cam as you set off first thing in the morning:D
its not like you wont find of the things in scrappies to experiment with:)

(word of caution dont open the holes up more or oil pressure drops ,you would need to change oil pressure spring in pump if they have one ? this is how we stopped cortinas clanging in the 70's but it didnt work) they still clogged up and nacked the cams:D