Speed loss with the installation of a Direct Intake Air System...

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Speed loss with the installation of a Direct Intake Air System...




I recently installed a Direct Intake GREEN COTTON AIR FILTER specific for Fiat Bravo JTD105 (it was mounted by a Specialist, in a Tuning Company).
This filter is recommended by GREEN COTTON AIR FILTER for this model.
After installing it, I noticed some differences. I can hear the Turbo sucking the air in, have more torque too, but what is strange is max speed... it decreased. Badly!! :(
With the old factory filter the max speed was 208 Km/h, and now it's very difficult to get past 180 Km/h.
I tried to find tests on the Internet, regarding this kind of filters, and in all of them there was gain of torque, HP, and speed. In some the GREEN COTTON AIR FILTERS were the Best On The Test.
Can you help me? Please!!
Direct Air Intake

It could be hot air that you filter is sucking while driving at a high speed. Try using a heat shield before swapping back to the original unit.

Hi there;

Syedtaq sounds right !
The aerodynamics in the engine compartment can change according to your speed.
Soo, there can be 2 different problems;
1- Sucking HOT air ( A common Problem...)
2- Sucking NOT enough air because of the changed air flow when u'r speeding. ( This one is a pain in the ass.)

Well, in both cases U just have to isolate the open air filter from the engine compartment. U can have a hose (something special without any bones,corners etc. It must be totally flat for a well-flow) applied to your Bravo's air in-take ports and going directly to the open air filter. Never attach the hose to the filter leave a space of 2-3cm. in order to help the filter to breathe.

Hope this helps...

Cold air intake and Bravo HGT vs Brava JTD

Hey Bravo users !!!

If u install a induction kit, without a cold air intake, the results are not good. If the filter is taking hot air from the engine bay, you'll loose power, torque,.. and so on.
I've seen MANY installations done by so-called pros, that put the new conic filter in the void space left by the box of the paper one. This way it only breath hot air, making your car run worse.
My KN kit came with a flexible hose, that u have to lead to the front grille, so it breathes fresh air. I'm more than pleased with the specs and sound from the engine now.

200 from a Diesel?? well, i'm quite impressed with the performance of that JTD engine. One time, a nice grey Brava passed me @ 180-190 on the highway. So i decide to tailgate him (bad, bad boy..) ... I didn't have to floor my HGT, as he stuck at 200-210, and we were on par at the higway. Then i put it full-throttle, and the Brava slowly became to be left behind. At 230-235 Km/h (@6800rpm the engine cut me off), and the Brava was far, far behind.
At the next gas station, we found ourselves refuelling. I was going to spend u$s 50-60 on a full tank (super-unleaded), while the Brava guy ashamed me at the diesel pump (he charged a quarter tank $10!!!).
Damn thirsty HGT !!! Was it worth it?


Where do I get a hose like that??

Hi Gonzalo!

I agree with "syedtaq" and "boorock", but you're the only one that understood my problem at 110%. Perhaps you had it once...

I think you're right, but... supposing I get a hose like that, how can I "lead" it to the front grille? The radiator is behind it... :(

Do you have any photos of your installation that you can show or send me?

If I understood it right, you got your hose with your K&N Kit, right? Where can I get a hose like that?


BTW, my Top Speed was 208 Km/h (straight)... but after some miles I've gone up to 220 Km/h!!
As far as I know, these speeds are "normal" among the Bravo's JTD105... ;)
(Some nice "super-unleaded" have eaten my dust... eheheheh)

Thanks for your help,

M. Nico
[email protected]

P.S.: Please mail me your answer to "[email protected]". Thanks.
K&N installation

Check there:


that's my car. u can see the flex hose (black, in front), that leads fresh air from front grille to the conic filter. (it passes OVER the radiator fan).
if i have some time i'll scan the instruction sheet that came with the KN kit, and i'll post on the page.

It's a normal flex hose (aluminium inside), no custom shape or anything like that... you turn and twist it to pass over the radiator fan.



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