Save the marquee!!!

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Save the marquee!!!

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All tents and gazebos will blow down in a strong wind. I have four jute bags filled with gravel to hold the corners down but a proper wind will still have it away.

Hammer in or screw in storm pegs are great - if the ground is soft enough.

This shape has to be better -

Than this -
that is not what the thread title says. whole thread was pointless seems it was already decided to get rid before it was even posted.:rolleyes:
Nah, we would love to keep it - but time is of the essence - we had a temporary storage for 2 weeks - 1 week of which is gone.

It's on ebay for the remaining week, so in that time, if we think of a solution, we can act on it. (Assuming it even sells - if not, we're in real trouble!)
that is not what the thread title says. whole thread was pointless seems it was already decided to get rid before it was even posted.:rolleyes:

No not at all, it's no secret that I'm no fan of our marquee but it's not up to me I can only put my opinion across as I'm sure everyone else has. The point of starting this thread was to find an alternative place to keep the one we had because we were imminently going to lose our storage place plus it can't stay at doms place because that's not fair so an appeal was put out. It's only after three odd weeks of discussion on here (plus behind the scene conversations) that a decision has been made to its fate which was based on storage, logistics and price and this is where we are at.
It's on ebay for the remaining week, so in that time, if we think of a solution, we can act on it. (Assuming it even sells - if not, we're in real trouble!)
i hope you get the money i've put a link in my facebook selling page for it but ebay are arsehole now, if some one looks at some thing they put up sponsored links of cheaper versions:(
Call yourself a moderator?

Yes. Oh I'm sorry? we're you expecting manners? you've goaded people with your cocky statements and are now just trolling. No one wants you here yet here you are, still being cocky and still being annoying. Can't imagine anyone wanting to participate in helping you any future threads you start as your credibility is pretty much gone. You have already been warned so It'll go further now :)
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Yes. Oh I'm sorry? we're you expecting manners? you've goaded people with your cocky statements and are now just trolling. No one wants you here yet here you are, still being cocky and still being annoying. Can't imagine anyone wanting to participate in helping you any future threads you start as your credibility is pretty much gone. You have already been warned so It'll go further now :)

did you actually ban him cuz he hurt your feelings?
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did you actually ban him cuz he hurt your feelings?

He didn't hurt my feelings because I don't care. He was banned for rubbing people up the wrong way. We're here to talk about a marquee not to put up with sacasic whittle and purposeful goading for his own personal satisfaction. It's happening way too much these days and I can't see why people feel the need to do it. has gone a similar way. What used to be banter has become people taking offence for the sake of taking offence and others trolling.

Sadly he took it too far, what was banter became a petty war on words. :(

He's only banned for 24 hours, so hopefully all will be good tomorrow.

Anyway, back to the thread please guys! :D

If you know of anyone wanting it please do send them the link above (y)
Wow, so many Mods got involved over this tent!!
I've seen posters desperate for advice from the Mods over a long time with no replies when it wudda been easier to get help from Lord Lucan.
Sorry Mods but you's over-egged this dish, maybe it shudda been a removable sticky type post....?
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Wow, so many Mods got involved over this tent!!
I've seen posters desperate for advice from the Mods over a long time with no replies when it wudda been easier to get help from Lord Lucan.
Sorry Mods but you's over-egged this dish, maybe it shudda been a removable sticky type post....?

A sticky type post would've been better in hindsight but I wasn't expecting it to end like this. I just wanted to start a thread about what to do with the marquee. That decision has now been made (eBay) so luckily this thread has come to an end I'ld say so maybe a thread lock would be in order :)

The reason why so many mods were involved was purely coincidental. Three mods were involved in the discussion and it was three mods plus other members who were getting trolled by one member. Moderators are only human and will react the same way as anybody who gets shown disrespect, so what is to be done? Do we ignore it and get complaints from members who say we are not doing enough to deal with it or do we ban them for a short or long time in an effort to try to send a message to stop members ruining threads and discussions by blatantly provoking people for either fun or to make some sort of point to pass the time.

I can only apologise if some find that disagreeable but the only real solution would be if members (mods included) just try to be nice to others and only write stuff that's genuinely helpful :)
So it seems everyone had the same amount of trouble with thinking of ideas as we did backstage.

It's on ebay now as pointed out - and I can't see a better resolution being reached within the next week.

Of course next year, if situations have changed - we can see about buying it back again - but for now - let's just hope someone buys it!

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