General RIP Italian Flag abarth cinq

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General RIP Italian Flag abarth cinq


Established member
Jan 19, 2008


Write off... Keeping the juicy bits for another cinq sometime... local traffic calming is to blame
Mine has gone to the big scrap heap in the Sky, I have advised the insurance company to recover it, How muuch of my NCB do you think i will lose. I have full NCB.

I hit a kerb at about 20mph totally unexpectedly as i drive through them every day on the way to work. Then the car went into a gate post. No ice and the road was dry. Just stupid traffic calming kerbs! there was not even anyone else passing through, just my error.

Rear bumper is wrecked completely, pass wheel i think is ruined, front abarth bumper is salvagable I think. Skirts are ok. Its just the shell and probably Pass side suspension mounts which are totalled. oh and the screens popped out as well as the pass door doesnt open at all!

got the car stored so i can dismantle it. My excess was double the cars value so i didnt claim for my car.

Shell did hae a small amount of rust/hole inside the rear arch and it has done 122k miles so its not the end of the world. Im most gutted about the wheel! as I was gonna use them on other fiats i may have in the future...
Checked the car out today to confirm my thoughts that its too far gone.

Roof is creased as spotted by Todger ;)

Sill is mega bent, door opening is smaller than door... see pics




Its good side:

I havent looked at whats happened to the wishbone / ball joint yet...

Have decided to get another cinq cos no other car comes close: low cost, high practicality and fun.

+ i have loads of bits to keep one going forever.

Started stripping interior as its filling up with water