Everytime i go into reverse, the gear grinds before it goes in, a friend said i could be pressing the clutch in to far so tried lifting off just a toutch, but still grinds......any ideas?
Reverse has no syncro. So the only way to do it is clutch down and wait a second or two.
Might even be mentioned in your car's manual (I know it is in the Stilo's).
Another method is, clutch down, into 1st, and then straight into reverse, as the syncro on 1st would have stopped the bits in the gearbox from moving, so no grinding when selecting reverse
My Palio's and Punto's reverse gears grind when I put it into reverse.
AFAIK, The reverse gears are straight cut and they lack a synchromesh, this could be the reason.
Do not put it into reverse immediately after stopping. I've noticed that there's no grinding if I wait for a couple of secs after pressing the clutch.
yeah, my reverse gear in my MK2 Punto doesn't always go in. I find if you push the clutch down, come off it and then push it down again and then go into reverse, it works.
Occasionally though it has been a pain in the backside and I have to make it go "Crunch" because otherwise you end up playing a waiting game!