Technical Quick question..

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Technical Quick question..

Jul 1, 2014
United Kingdom
Tightened the gear box drain and refill 'nuts' after changing the gear oil...

Sometimes I've read these can be fussy if not put back right leading to leaks...

I've driven the car about 15 miles including to work this morning .. Can someone just confirm that if by 5pm today I see a 'leak' that concludes I've screwed it up, and that if the pavement is DRY I've done it correctly?

Not familiar with how a possible leak might look and around the plugs is noticeable darker from the refill so I'm nervous I'll miss and ignore minor leaks in the nuts.
Like I said before: You worry too much;)

While warming up oil gets thinner, metal expands and thus a very small leak could occur.

The operative word being small. Check again after a longer drive and then forget about it.

gr J

Hello, just checked now and there's no puddles under the car here at work.

Tomorrow I'll be doing about 100 miles and that'll be the true test.

Tonight I will jack the car up and clean the whole areas to ensure any further leaks are noticed if they exist
Here's some photos after 25 miles of driving...

Looks all good to me, with the slight darkness being yesterdays oil drying still. Not even a tiny bit of fresh by the looks of it.

One thing that is sticking around is the bloody smell... awful sulphur smell and I hope it isn't slowly suffocating me... some Neutrodol and fresh air tomorrow will hopefully resolve that and all tools used now out of the car!


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