General punto mk2 side miror

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General punto mk2 side miror


New member
May 4, 2013
hi freinds
im new here , wonderfull forum!!!
i own 2001 punto spice and my side mirroes are not moving by the little joysticks inside the car .
i opened one side and saw 3 plastic grips that spoused to grip spring ( i guess)
can u pls guide me or send me to a guide that shows how to attach it again ?
They are a one fit pony ,once broken they realistically are broken
I see you live in a warm country,i use a heatgun on the glass to remove it from the clips to access the rear if only changing broken glass from one mirror to another and ive just got the glass from a breaker coz its cheaper:D

either replace the whole assembly or live with non wiggle facility:),mirrors here are 10 cents to the dime in the breakers as these cars are all now getting long in the tooth
Mine do that all the time, I genuinely thought they was broken but what I have to do is move the joystick all the way around a few times or just move it random places giving it some force then my mirrors start moving, but yeah they are very cheaply made and fiat should get a slap... Haha, most people just wind the window down and adjust them with their hands it's easier :D