
Panda (Classic) Project Panda-looking Pandas.


Ok Gavin here we go ;).

With Gavins (Palio) consent this thread will chart the progress of a little project I'm carrying out for him. It's basically two matching Pandas made to look like Panda bears. These will then be used as company cars by Gavin and his business partner to also promote their new business venture.

Now Gavin is well aware that this could easily turn into being two tacky cartoon style wouldn't be seen dead in cars, so my initial brief stated that my design had to be tasteful and suggest Panda rather than be in your face. Also, there were to be certain engine and interior upgrades to make them more pleasant to live with on a regular basis.

Well I have submitted and had approved a design so it's now full steam ahead with the first car. The basis for this is the white clx I recently picked up from David (Fiat Nutter)............

Second car may be this one that I already had..............

But may not.
Well between them Homeward and CLS have hit on what I'm actually doing with regards to the exhaust.

The manifold will be a tubular sports job in mild steel. For a little extra you can have it ceramic coated so I'm going for this. Mild steel is better for the manifold, being softer than stainless it's less likely to crack under stress. The ceramic coating helps in a few ways, mild steel rusts so needs coating in something, so at the very least it will need painting and that costs something. Also, ceramic coating keeps the heat inside the exhaust, this protects a little the components that are close to the manifold, but also, the hotter the exhaust gases are the better they flow and the more effective the system is and the more power you get.

The rest of the system will be a custom stainless job. It's not as expensive as you'd think, lasts ages which makes it good value if you're keeping the car a long time. It should also sound good if you choose the 'quiet' option.
Well between them Homeward and CLS have hit on what I'm actually doing with regards to the exhaust.

Just goes to show 2 heads are better than one!
One 8 valve and the other 16v
Well the last couple of days have been very musical due to various Panda parts hanging from a wooden pole and acting like some weird giant wind chime. They were actually drying after being painted in epoxy black to make them a little more hard wearing and resistant to rust......

No we're not doubling up on the axles, the other one is destined for Kev's Bianca but it's getting the same treatment.

You can also see behind the axles the engine block sprayed in the same paint.
Few more pics of progress..........

And still we're finding more parts for painting!

Some of them have found their way back on to the car.

The sump was very rusty, as they tend to be on Punto's so a new one is being fitted, after having a coat of black epoxy too. The picture also shows the newly painted door steps. They had a few rust spots and scratches so needed a good tidy up.

The black scuttle has now turned white. I had left it black in my original design but felt it was an area of black that wouldn't really fit, fortunately Gavin agreed when he visited recently.

The rest of the shell had pretty good panels, just a ripply tailgate and a shopping trolley dent in the o/s/r wing. I really wanted to avoid painting these areas so called on the services of a paintless dent repair specialist :worship:. It's amazing how these Guys can remove dents without a trace for a fraction of the cost of a bodyshop, shall definately be calling on them again.
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very cool, I have thought many times in making my Panda look more like a Panda bear and one of my ideas was to put a couple of black round roof headlights that I could dress with hairy black covers like ears during concentrations
very cool, I have thought many times in making my Panda look more like a Panda bear and one of my ideas was to put a couple of black round roof headlights that I could dress with hairy black covers like ears during concentrations

Well that would certainly do the trick!

With this project we're trying to go for a suggestion of Panda rather than,

"Here I am! Where's the bamboo?" ;)
Looking good Vern (y)
What sort of air intake system are you going to fit? I remember Gavin saying he didn't fancy the K&N route.
I'm waiting to see what the air box ends up like too :)

We are (I think!) trying to get the engine looking standard in terms of the air box cover. This is partly coz we want it to look like it was always in there, and partly coz everyone says it can't be done (Vernon likes a challenge, which is fortunate as I've thrown him a few!!). If I'm not getting confusticated, we're hoping it will look standard but with the k&n tucked away somewhere unobvious (yes there are a couple of new words in there ;) ). This may no longer be correct of course, depending on what looks possible when the actual engine meets its allocated engine bay (y)
We are (I think!) trying to get the engine looking standard in terms of the air box cover. This is partly coz we want it to look like it was always in there, and partly coz everyone says it can't be done (Vernon likes a challenge, which is fortunate as I've thrown him a few!!). If I'm not getting confusticated, we're hoping it will look standard but with the k&n tucked away somewhere unobvious (yes there are a couple of new words in there ;) ). This may no longer be correct of course, depending on what looks possible when the actual engine meets its allocated engine bay (y)

Well its good he gets practice on yours, should mean when he does Char' she'll be ever better ;)
What an amazing thread, the attention to detail is wonderful. The fact that and it getting this level of restro is great.

A wonderful job, well done so far. Makes me want to start pulling more pits off mine and painting.
I'm waiting to see what the air box ends up like too :)

We are (I think!) trying to get the engine looking standard in terms of the air box cover. This is partly coz we want it to look like it was always in there, and partly coz everyone says it can't be done (Vernon likes a challenge, which is fortunate as I've thrown him a few!!). If I'm not getting confusticated, we're hoping it will look standard but with the k&n tucked away somewhere unobvious (yes there are a couple of new words in there ;) ). This may no longer be correct of course, depending on what looks possible when the actual engine meets its allocated engine bay (y)

Yep, this pretty much sums up my approach to the air intake system. For those that don't know Punto's, the thing that sits on top of the engine looking like an air filter (as with the Panda) is in fact some kind of silencer/resonator, that's my guess anyway. The proper air filter sits along the top edge of the radiator and definitely doesn't fit the Panda. Now apparently the silencer doesn't fit either as it hits the bonnet, not having a bonnet fitted means that I don't have first hand knowledge of this yet but I'm sure that's true.

To give the engine bay that 'factory look' it's more important to have the silencer than the Punto air filter, so the bonnet clearance is the main challenge. As Gavin says we can use a cone filter tucked away somewhere less obvious for the actual filtering of air. Once I have the bonnet on I will see more clearly what we are up against, give in, and do the same as everyone else :p.

Ok, here's some pics of todays state of play............

Engine and gearbox now mounted.

Suspension and brakes coming together. We've used spax springs all round, painted black to be more in keeping with the theme. Shocks are Bilsteins. Gavin has also supplied a Y10 anti rollbar. Not sure how this combination will perform, there is a possibility that this combination will give too much understeer, but we'll fit it all for starters and see what Gavin thinks.

Front brakes are selecta discs and calipers as they are slightly larger than standard.

As you can see there is still a lot to do. :eek: Ahhhh
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