Technical Power Steering, lack of it

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Technical Power Steering, lack of it


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I have had the power steering fail on my Punto, common thing I understand.

I serched Ebay and found someone who offers an exchange service of the E C U and steering motor and all for under £100.

I have just got my parts back, fitted them and all is well.

He gives 6 months guarentee too.

Quick turn around as well.

He calls himself madforfiats just do an Ebay search on Fiat power steering.

I hope this saves you some cash.

Hey John wish you'd posted this alot earlier! :p

Tbh I found one too on Ebay and he was a £120 dearer than yours BUT I have a two year guarantee for my re-manufactured unit, against your six-months but I guess at least we both have columns that work now and that's the main thing. You are right tho, for cash-strapped owners this is one possible solution (y)
Either way its cheeper that taking it to Fiat and quite an easy job to do.

I can spend the money which I saved on booze and fast women