as title says im looking at getting another abarth however is it worth loking for one with or without the roof? are they a pain in the arse and always breaking? or worth having?
I've discovered you can get a nice cooling shower after a downpour if you're quick.
What you do is open the sky-roof after its stopped raining and the sun's shining again. Now load up the power and feel that lovely torque :spin: comes a nice cooling shower as water cascades over the 1st blade
Without doubt, the Sky-Roof is the best feature on any Stilo but if they're never maintained then at some point it's almost guaranteed to fail. If anyone can't be bothered with basic maintenance then I suggest they avoid them.
when buying a stilo with the roof is there anything in particular to look out for / check with the roof to see if its maintained and in good condition (other than actually opening / closing it a few times to test it)
Ah ha really, How so. Perhaps im missing a secret here then.
But its still a superb party trick though to open said roof and windows from a distance, I did it in town one day and you would believe how many people stopped and looked.
I have a Skyroof on my Abarth. I love it. A real head turner. Argonought Is right tho popper maintenance is needed to keep the thing in working order.
No more work than checking fluid levels or any other light maintenance task on your car.
Just think of it this way. Do you want to find yourself without a skyroof and wish you had just got 1?
Couldn’t afford a sky roof when buying my car 6.5 years ago (£1k option!!!) have been regretting this decision all 6.5 years!!! Closest thing to a cabriolet you can get without buying a cabriolet.. yes my roof doesn't leak.. but if we all went for safest options all the time.. we'd all just die from boredom
i think thats made my choice roof it is for the new abarth purchase!!
just need to try n find a yellow or black one with roof and elec/heated seats (as i think retrofit is out of the question!)