as title peeps this is a nightmare i can not get all the air out of this punto.its a 1.2 8v (2000)i put a head on it bout 3 weeks ago and sorted some other problems on it.the car runs fine i did a 100 mile stint in it a couple of nights ago to make sure it was fine and i had no probs at all however i cant get rid of this water noise from the matrix.when i put the head on i had it skimmed put new bolts on it as well.i have tried bleeding it everyway i can think of and i cant get the airlocks in the matrix is not blocked i have run a hose through it and i have good heaters in it all the time.i have tried the guide to no avail.i am a mechanic and cant believe this is beating me i have done a sniff test and there is no prob with that it is not building up any pressure.sorry if i have rambled on but i am at my wits end with this.any suggestions?