No more Top Gear, maybe...

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No more Top Gear, maybe...

Sep 12, 2003
Read an article this morning in the Daily Telegraph ;), which can be seen here:

Basically, all to do with them moving location, and then forgetting to get planning if they stay where they are, and neighbours moaning because of the noise and pollution factors....

Anne Backhouse was among those who opposed the application on environmental grounds.

"We should be cutting down on polluting exhaust fumes rather than increasing them," she said.

No doubt a solution will be achieved, but sounds like a typical NIMBY situation - I wonder how many of these locals drive cars [unless they are all eco-friendly ones], go in aeroplanes, etc.

Anyway, lets hope they sort it (y)
:( hope it all gets sorted, i dont want that to stop, its one decent show on the tv.

i cant believe how wierd some people are about pollution and stuff, today in science was discussing cars as usual when i mentioned a de-cat, hell broke loose!! i then had an argument with the teacher and the class about it, i then started moaning at them with there ferraris and there posh 4x4's with massive engines putting out all them fumes- shut them up :D lol
Steve said:
I fcuking hate PC eco namby pambyism. They should all be taken out and flogged...

:worship: (y) :worship: (y)

Couldn't put it better myself old chap. People should have better thing to do than p*ss and whine about something that doesn't actually affect them. :rolleyes:
Stuart DemonD said:
Read an article this morning in the Daily Telegraph ;), which can be seen here:

Basically, all to do with them moving location, and then forgetting to get planning if they stay where they are, and neighbours moaning because of the noise and pollution factors....

No doubt a solution will be achieved, but sounds like a typical NIMBY situation - I wonder how many of these locals drive cars [unless they are all eco-friendly ones], go in aeroplanes, etc.

Anyway, lets hope they sort it (y)

Sorry if the program goes (n) but if Clarkson goes (y) Yipeeeeeeeeee
uno_94 said:
today in science was discussing cars as usual when i mentioned a de-cat, hell broke loose!! i then had an argument with the teacher and the class about it

Shut them up by saying it creates more pollution to make one cat than that cat can save in it's ten year lifespan!!!

Top gear is alright,I watch it cause it's funny but more 'down to earth(normal?) cars would interest me more.Sorry but can't get excited by ferraris/astons Kate Beckinsale thats another matter:D
Enston would have been a good venue as Renault F1 are based there, but i can't understand why it says they are still in Dunsfold as the last series was filmed at Bedford as it was plainly obvious that the last series it was a different location, there was a plane sitting in the back ground and the hammer Head bend clearly had the old runway markings on it when it didn't before, plus I know the owner of TVR flew into my airfield (Cranfield Airport; Plane registration GOTVR) which is closest to Bedford disused aerodrome for the filming of 2 cars last series, the pilot told me thats was why they were there.

I detest these fecking people wit so little in there life than to complain, like the person who bought a new house next to Castle Combe then promptly complained at the first race meeting of the season that it was to niosy, and as for pollution, the fecking cows bread for us to eat produce more green house gasses from farting than all the cars in the world added together.

Millbrook would be good, thats even closer to work than Bedford as we use it as a reporting point for helicopters coming in from the south east.

moan over,

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The airfield at Enstone would need a bit of work as I have been there many6 times, just up the road from me. Even if they had permission I don't think it would be suitable.

It is a bit confusing though as their is one of those "pay to drive" performance car places based at Enstone airfield.
Surely there Ferraris make the same amount of noice as top gears :confused:

btw I gained my HGV licence at a driving school in Enstone airfield :worship: