General New owner (nearly)

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General New owner (nearly)


Mar 28, 2006
Just thought I would pop in and say hi, I should be hanging out here more soon, as I am taking charge of a Stilo Abarth (selespeed) on saturday, will miss my Nissan Sunny GTI though, fun to drive and plenty of poke, but after 4 years its just time to let go of the poor thing and send it to a better place.
wolfracepunto said:
Yellow should be saved for the Punto Sporting. Stilos look best in red/blue....and black lol :D
Got any pics of the Sunny?

yeah, i own, setup a while back as there was precicely nothing for sunny owners other than GTi-R's, theres some pics (old from before i got a hideous bumper put on) on (old site - about 4 years - so forgive the ****e layout)

KoArAnG said:
LMAO :D nice one.
Black is a good choice, looks mean on the Stilo Abarth. Do you have any plans for modding it at all ?

probably, maybe something to get the power up a bit, i'm unsure exactly whats on offer, checking out the forums theres no obvious "performance" section like some others (unless you can point me?)
bozzy said:
Well, they are slower for a start. (semi-fact)
Black doesn't set you far enough apart from Ford /Vauxhall owners (fact)
Pull more birds in yellow.(written in stone)
Welcome to the forum btw

so how much do you rekon for a respray?
Morritt said:
probably, maybe something to get the power up a bit, i'm unsure exactly whats on offer, checking out the forums theres no obvious "performance" section like some others (unless you can point me?)
Cheapest option for the Stilo Abarth is just the usual, performance exhaust CDA and remap, but supersprint no longer do a manifold section so it's really only the remap and cda which would cost around £530 iirc, from Angel tuning (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
and together they will give an extra 20bhp, not a massive boost in performance but the guys who have had it done are all happy with it.

Other than that there's a novitec supercharger that will take your abarth up to 237bhp but will set you back £3-4K.

Not sure if there's any posts that really go into big details but if you start one off I am sure there will be lots of people willing to contribute on here.
KoArAnG said:
Yeah birds love to get their hair done for free, so I'll give you that one :D

You know, there's some truth in the yellow/hairdresser bit. I seem to get cut up more/pulled out on since I went to yellow. They must think "oh, it's only teasy weasy*, lets pull out on the puff" **

** (no disrespect to hairdressers, I was one once)
*(famous hairdresser of 60's /70's)
bozzy said:
Course I do, just hope the original poster understands our sense of humour :)
He has a Black Abarth, so maybe we should shut up now, it's a tough looking motor ;)

@Morritt, what did you get, a manual or selespeed ?
C'mon give us all the info.

Isn't there a few different blacks for the Stilo now, they just released a new one this year I think :chin:
Almost bought a black stilo it had silver flecks in there to but they wanted a grand more and on the same plate 52 reg so my steel silver metalic won :p :D silver silver all the way and I never realised bozzy is into canaries :p