Merry Christmas

Currently reading:
Merry Christmas

Jan 7, 2012
A big thankyou to all fellow forumers for keeping me sane and giving me a hobby during the pandemic and my enforced rest over the last 2 years of poor health. I really enjoy chatting on line with you all, and hope to meet more of you in person at events in 2023. I hope you all have a good Christmas and can be warm and well fed over the festive period. Im off for my operation on 28th December and hope to be running normally in the spring when its all finally done and dusted. Apologies for my dyslexic fingers. (my hands are like shovels and half as accurate). My new years resolution is to type slower and to check before the 15 minute grace period is up.
You are welcome.

I'm probably a good example of "dyslexic fingers. (my hands are like shovels and half as accurate). My new years resolution is to type slower and to check before the 15 minute grace period is up."

I have the same/similar problem as that I'm almost blind in one eye so near field 3D is crap. More distant objects and movements and I'll have your hand off in an instant :) That said their is very distorted residual vision in one eye that the brain tries to merge with the dominant good eye. But the badly merged image only screws around with the good image.

When working on a close field like computer screen then you type, check etc. but also miss your own typo errors and worse still the computer on some pages/places dynamically changes what you wrote into what it thinks you meant.


"Merry Christmas and Peace To All" (regardless of your religion/beliefs/etc.) will be with you and your family at this time of year. That is my hope and wish and deserved of all who try to better themselves in this upside down world of chaos.
This seems like a jolly good place for me to also say thank you to all you wonderful people who make up this community. Our forum is such a nice friendly place, much more so than other forums which I lurk about on where there seems to be quite an element of unpleasant and competitive "points scoring" at other's expense and much less informed technical content. Thank you all for putting up also with my sometimes rather lengthy posts and please do tell me if they ever get boring won't you all?
Anyway, grandchildren are due shortly and Mrs J is giving me the "disapproving eye" as I sit here on my laptop so I'd better go now.
All kindest wishes