New member
Love affair you wouldnt blame me for!
Well due to my brother needing to borrow a car with a bigger boot and no bucket seats to fit a baby seat my beloved stilo shumacher is not with me at the mo
.So to help me to get around he has given me the Alfa 147GTA
well i couldnt say no after he pleaded with me (well maybe a little lie).so ive had it a few days now and wot do i think?
HOLY SH!T I WANT IT! must not think about it the thought of it NOOOOO!
OHHHH i cant hold it in any more-not to feel its inner warmth of glory i mean its not just the fact it is more powerful its just the way it;
Feels-more connected no roll point it where you want and its there with its nuts on the front line,
Sounds-That V6 true race gargle,delivery and raw!,
Tells-you wot it feels and want it still can do for you,
The inside just has MADE WITH LOVEand care to the smallest detail written all over it,Rather than just let a half german half japanese loose at it.
Its More of a drivin B1tchin machine i guess...more of a "Right sod it lets go for a drive,hell anywhere and sod everything else" even down with some barge nutter next to you its eagerin you on "well do you wanna show that nob wot im about and why i was made/wot for also why im special!"
Now dont get me wrong it has tiny livable flaws like everything but i could live with.
So now when i have to give it back if he finds me first of course! im not gonna be throwin the keys back at him (unfortunatly
) like if it was a corsa or owt like that but worse is to look at mine again and feel ashamed(well maybe more like dissapointed) of myself of lettin myself get attached to the GTA :bang: even thou i know its not mine and feel ive got not got the best of wot i may or could have.
But then again im sure i'll still love it just like i had when i 1st saw it in the show room.
I think i'll treat it to 2 extra coats of wax when i get it back All will be forgiven and say no more about it and hope!
I get Ideas in the back of my head of getting a GTA engine and slip it in.Would that be wrong Dirty thought?:yum:
So wot do you all think? will it all still smell of roses?
Maybe im readin in to this too much,well ive got to drive GTA again tomorrow
Well due to my brother needing to borrow a car with a bigger boot and no bucket seats to fit a baby seat my beloved stilo shumacher is not with me at the mo
HOLY SH!T I WANT IT! must not think about it the thought of it NOOOOO!
OHHHH i cant hold it in any more-not to feel its inner warmth of glory i mean its not just the fact it is more powerful its just the way it;
Feels-more connected no roll point it where you want and its there with its nuts on the front line,
Sounds-That V6 true race gargle,delivery and raw!,
Tells-you wot it feels and want it still can do for you,
The inside just has MADE WITH LOVEand care to the smallest detail written all over it,Rather than just let a half german half japanese loose at it.
Its More of a drivin B1tchin machine i guess...more of a "Right sod it lets go for a drive,hell anywhere and sod everything else" even down with some barge nutter next to you its eagerin you on "well do you wanna show that nob wot im about and why i was made/wot for also why im special!"
Now dont get me wrong it has tiny livable flaws like everything but i could live with.
So now when i have to give it back if he finds me first of course! im not gonna be throwin the keys back at him (unfortunatly
But then again im sure i'll still love it just like i had when i 1st saw it in the show room.
I think i'll treat it to 2 extra coats of wax when i get it back All will be forgiven and say no more about it and hope!
I get Ideas in the back of my head of getting a GTA engine and slip it in.Would that be wrong Dirty thought?:yum:
So wot do you all think? will it all still smell of roses?
Maybe im readin in to this too much,well ive got to drive GTA again tomorrow