Look what my Asda just got...

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Look what my Asda just got...

dave said:
plus if you go shopping yourself you get stuff that has long sellby dates and best looking veg if they are picking for you they proubly give you all the stuff that needs to be sold first :(

in my tesco the 'personal shoppers' do actually test the fruit and veg for you, but once they put your shopping in the back anything can happen to it :(
It was only a way of avoiding checkouts, I appreciate there are disadvantages. I would never buy fresh fruit and veg over the net, it's the same as getting timber delivered, you get the crap stuff that people who collect wouldn't pick for themselves. Tesco are fairly good, cos they will pick reasonable produce and ditch the crap stuff they no one has purchased.

Personally I love food shopping, so I wouldn't do it on the net anyway, unless there was no way I could get to the shop. I think the reason a lot of people don't like food shopping is because they make shopping lists. I know that may sound crazy, but bare with me. If you make a shopping list, you generally go around the shop looking for specific items that can be hard to find when they move things, etc., once you have the items, you go to the checkout and pay. Where's the fun in that.

If you go without a shopping list there is more of an adventure in food. You can look at every item and think, yeah I fancy some of that and you never know what will be in your trolley at the end of it and if you coincide when you go with when you are hungry, it's even better, although you have to be prepared to spend more. Then you can't wait to get home to eat some of what you have purchased, but it can be a difficult decision having just bought a selection of your favourite foods.

OK, I like food far too much and I obviously don't get out enough.
Lol Neofolis you will have to go on one of these supermarket dating nights and combine your shopping with your social life! I know what you mean though, I can spend 2 hours plus wondering around, and put me in a Asda/ Walmart or Tesco Extra and you've lost me for a day :eek:.
Supermarket dating, food and babes, that must be heaven. Why didn't they do that when I was single.

Sorry, I should have said babes and food, I don't have my priorities confused really.

Mind you, does that mean all the dates would be fat, cos they are all eataholics like me.
Talking of dates, someone earlier in the thread mentioned taking one of the machines for a date.

I was thinking I know a lot of women who have had dates with a machine, albeit usually battery operated, but a least they are more portable.
Youre Asda might have posh tills but mine has........

... an escallator that u can take trolleys on and a mc donalds! -inside the store!!!!! :p
I know this is barely related but I think that the self payment for newspapers in busy WHsmiths is an excellent idea....just a box with a hole in, it's such a fantastic idea and so simple.
Helz said:
Exactly - have tried it in the past and have found it very expensive as the places I shop don't do it, problems with fruit and veg and substitutions and I didn't get the same browsing experience, it was too much hassle. Handy if you buy the same stuff every week but I like to experiment :). Plus as Dave says, no cheap cream cakes!
You like to experiment?

Still at Tesco Swansea... :p
I still shop using tesco.com about once a month for a large provision shop, inter-spaced with the weekly pop in to the local Morrisons to buy offers, etc...

I have had no real problems with tesco.com - I don't request substitutions, I also request long-shelf life on items. I have bought fresh fish, fresh steak/chicken, fruit and veg, and at no point has it come looking manky, or have I picked it up and said 'ew, I wouldn't have chosen that'! I am quite a fussy shopper as well - takes me ages going through all the cucumbers to find the thickest and longest one ;) - I also look at the 'online' only offers.

When I have had an issue with a tesco delivery, one phonecall, and usually resolved there and then by way of a full refund of that item. Every little helps :)

There great! Used them at a supermarket named Kroger in America when i lived there for 7 years. Much quicker than going through a normal till! Bring them to my Asda anyday.
cinqmeister said:
To be fair they must lose so much money with people not paying enough/at all...
Tut tut tut, you fail to see the simple genius behind it then, the same people will nick the papers and the same people will pay, it makes no difference! Alll it means is that people in a rush can put the money in and go, it probably makes no difference to how much revenue they get, why would it? You could walk out with the paper without paying in the past, you still can, I expect it probably meant even less people walk out without paying.
Get the Metro like the rest of us!

Or come to the union shop, papers 20p and guardian free on thursday.
I lived in a town called Charlottesville, Virginia for 7 years. Great place to live! Would move back there anyday!! Kroger was a huge chain of supermarket. The food isn't too great over there though. That's the only thing i would not like if i could afford to live over there again.