long shot.... any yucca experts out there

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long shot.... any yucca experts out there

Oct 25, 2003
I'll get some pictures in a bit. I have been trying to look this up on the net but nothing is coming up.

My yuccas trees tops have started to come off. I am sure its down to the harsh frost but i dont know if this has killed them or if they will recover. We had a harsh winter the first year we were here but they seemed ok.

They are about 15ft high so i cannot fleece them

if anyone can offer some advice i would be greatful or if they know of any decent websites that could help
They don't like winter times at all, not very well suited for this climate tbh. You can remove the dead parts at the base and hopefully the plant will surrvive but wit such a harsh winter as we've had it may be hit and miss.
They are pretty tought plants and if they are to big to fleece for the winter you'll just have to wait and hope they make it...