Technical light switch stalk replacement

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Technical light switch stalk replacement

Haven't done it but why are you replacing it - reason being often these switch units can be resurrected by spraying proper electrical contact cleaner into the innards. Which reminds me to fix my 1978 Trio amp.
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Haven't done it but why are you replacing it - reason being often these switch units can be resurrected by spraying proper electrical contact cleaner into the innards. Which reminds me to fix my 1978 Trio amp.

rather than using something like servisol if this amp has gone noisy on a pot due to non use i prefer to every now and then just turn the pots up and down whilst unplugged to negate this problem
of course a pioneer amp from this period or specifically say an sx535 tuner amp would be preferable at all times

as regards removal of punto switch gear so long as battery disconnected 1/2 hour prior and not reconnected until everything put back then apart from needing a helper to hold the steering wheel with ignition unlocked so its not damaged then i dont forsee a problermo
rather than using something like servisol if this amp has gone noisy on a pot due to non use i prefer to every now and then just turn the pots up and down whilst unplugged to negate this problem
of course a pioneer amp from this period or specifically say an sx535 tuner amp would be preferable at all times
Thanks for the tip - fear it may be past that - left channel dead for most of the range and the input selector has been forced past limits - joys of kiddies birthday parties:rolleyes: Still only two power transistors in all that time not bad.