Just another NHS / Government rant..

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Just another NHS / Government rant..

Kev and I are sorry to hear about your nan, my mum was the same, we didnt know what was wrong with her and she was treated for 2 months in hospital for vertigo/stroke/brain haemorrage, they didnt have a fooking clue. I had to get quite agressive with staff before they would give her a CAT scan, and even after they had done that they didnt know how to interprit the results. When they finally transphered her to a hospital that knew what they were doing they gave her an MRI scan to find out she had 3 brain tumours and there was nothing they could do. 3 weeks later she died.
The fooking NHS stinks.

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family mate.

Dawn: :(:(:(
That's absolutely awful. It makes me sick thinking the NHS can be that incompetent.

I really hope that the people concerned have learned, and that Digi's gran consequently gets better treatment than that. One is far too many.

<font color="navy">Punto 55SX</font id="navy">


This government would have had enough money to pay the current pensioners for the next five years had they not have squandered the surplus the treasury had. They have created more civil servants and pen pushing office jobs and quangos than any other government on the face of this Earth and you don't think that people in these 'jobs' get (whatever the pension is) ie: £70 a week do you?

The reason for the NHS, road, the state of the country, etc, isn't down to us, honest tax paying public, it's down to this pompass, arragont greedy government who have taxed us and had more reveunue from the British public than any government before it, and where has all the money gone, what have they done with it?

Christ, sorry to hear of your mum. It annoys me so much to hear of stories like that! I mean you take your car to a garage, and the machanic can normally find the fault within a few hours at the most.. I know the body is so much more complex, but surely the NHS should have people who know what the problem is.. Christ it's their profession.

Went to see see nan again yesterday, she seemed more comfortable which is the main thing.

Makes you want to live life to the full whilst you can B)
